
Jan 08, 2009 19:35

Man, my day felt awesome! I get into Geography class to write the quiz I studied for (tons) and guess what? I get 16/18!! An A folks!! So I'm stoked. Then at the end of class we got our new updated marks and I was speechless! I went from an 83% to a whopping 90%!!! That truly made my day because I've been worrying about this grant I've been working towards for university. It basically says that if I can get a 90% average on my grade 12 year that I can get a bonus $6000 a year! That's a total of $24 000 that I wouldn't have to worry about. So knowing that my grade is that high in Geography is definitely a relief; now I've just got to work my butt off to keep it up that high.  The math wasn't too bad either. Lately, the lessons haven't been too hard to understand and homework is do-able. So all is good.

Now, yesterday I went out with my mom to the mall to check out a few places and see if they're hiring. I got tons of applications and such but only one place really said they were hiring: Payless Shoes. Now I was getting excited. Payless was hiring and they allow you to transfer to and from different venues if the other one has room so that was great. But then I mentioned to the manager that I was planning on saving money for university and she said they have this tuition program for soon-to-be students and students in undergraduate programs.

Okay. This moment couldn't have gotten much better. So I thanked her and went home to fill the application out. I handed it back in with my resume as well as to a few other places. The manager at Payless says I need to go through a screening test before I even get an interview so I have to stop by again some time for that but yeah. I hope this position turns out because it would help me out so much!! <3

Besides that though, I'm stressing out about the last week of January.  That's, once again, quarter turn-around when we have all of our exams and such but my step dad planned a week-getaway for my mom and him for their anniversary so I have to babysit on top of that. I don't know what I'm going to do because for 3 days I'll be home after my little sisters so I need someone to be here with them until I get back. And what if I want to take my provincial exams? That'll mean they're will be 4 days I won't be home with them when they get off from school. *sigh* I need to talk my step dad into getting a friend of his to be here just for an hour or so with my sisters until I get home at least. I COULD DO THE REST!!!

I'm done now. Stressful time again. But when is grade 12 NOT stressful? lol

provincials, job, exams, homework, payless, school, stressed

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