Its been 33 weeks.

Jun 24, 2009 21:20

I haven't looked at this account since I moved from Marquette... Early December, maybe even late November... My life, as usual, is something that needs to be watched from the big screen and not actually lived.

I did it. I graduated with my degree in geography and minor in earth science. I packed up and left my favorite little life in the Upper Peninsula and my family in Metro Detroit and did what I have been talking about for the last who knows how long... Moved to Colorado. I worked at Copper for the winter, met new people, became better friends with others and lived the Summit County life of no school, lots of snow and a lot more drinking. I've gotten to know new towns, different outdoor surroundings, and I'd like to think I bettered my skiing.

I moved from little Marquette to just slightly bigger Summit County and I don't know how I feel about it. More people, but not good people like you find in the North Woods of the Midwest. My friends are awesome... and not surprisingly, all from NMU. I have met people who are dirt bag hippies, couch crashing for who knows how long. I have met bro-bras enough to fill a baseball stadium; they think they are god's gift to anything that notices them. I have met the fakes, the ones that think they are all that but really need to wake up and smell the coffee... Its a really weird thing to sit back and observe. Beyond all this change in friends and people around me, I do still enjoy it. There are more people than Marquette, which means I can actually go out and not know every single person in every restaurant or bar. The girls are few and far between, so ladies own a lot of the night scene (I'll get to that later). I watch skiing and snowboarding on the television whenever I feel like flipping to that channel. I am surrounded by endless amounts of adventure seekers and live in one of the most fit states in the country. There is still snow on the mountains and its almost July. I have met a Marmot, drove with herd of deer, watched the sun rise over a wolf and hollered at a moose. Not to mention the breathtaking views around every road bend. It is what I have been looking for for as long as I can remember.

The winter has ended and I have found permanent work outside of the resort world for the first time in 5 years. This may sound like an easy thing to start on, but sadly, my new job is a story for another day. Lets just say its hard work and I am killing myself trying to be the best this place has ever seen. Fingers crossed.

Chapter 1: LIVING
Ahhh, Summit County. The mecca for ski bums and the outdoors lovers. Where to start...
Silverthorne: I live in Silverthorne... Ruled by the rich and by outlet malls. Hummers are the town's bird and half the population doesn't speak english. I live up on this large hill called Wildernest, where all the middle class ski bums live, tucked away from the rich ranch owners. I love it. Too far and too high up to walk to and from the bars, which means lots of quality home time spent with the roommates. I share loft with my roommate Scott and its pretty sweet. Our apartment is cozy and nicely situated somewhere close to 10,000 feet above sea level (the stairs are a bitch).
Frisco: Downtown living. Just like Marquette. No resort here, just a bunch of little motels off Main st. A few bars and an interesting night life to say the least. Frisco owns my Wednesday nights, exception of tonight, and I surrender my class at the door of a bar called Johnny G's... Which has free drinks for the ladies until midnight... Very rarely do I remember past 12:30 or spend any money (other than tips) on these nights. Frisco is perfect for crazy bar nights. I have friends speckled throughout the little town, which makes it perfect to crawl onto someone's couch on drunk nights.
Breckenridge: Oh Breck, how I loathe thee. Bars, bars bars... young girls and super expensive bar tabs. Yet, fun... I don't have an opinion on Breck yet cause I've only been out twice there... Last time I was convinced sleeping in a car with 2 Marquette boys was the choice way to spend the night (in a parking lot behind the bar at which we were just drinking at) and ended up being dragged home by my man of choice with about a hundred dollars worth paid bar tab receipts in my pocket.
Copper: I love copper, but its a resort... and my former place of employment. The bars are fun if you hit the right night and you end up dancing until 2 am in a bar the size of my living room, which isn't large. The employee housing rooms are even smaller and smell funky, but you don't realize that until you wake up the next morning finding you slept with your contacts in and you have to run to work within the next ten minutes.
Outside of Summit, I have found a new love, Denver: I absolutely love Denver. A big city where people actually walk the streets, get lunch, and are nice to strangers... WHO EVER KNEW THIS EXISTED!!! Not a little girl from Detroit, thats for sure. I love Denver and we'll just leave it at that.

Chapter 2: MEN
What would my live journal entry be without some rediculous love story drama that I endlessly find myself drowning in? First, an understanding of Summit County's girl to guy ratio needs established. There are double the men here... Yes ladies, double might even be an understatement... BUT, this place is a walking sexual disease... So he might be really hot, but if there are more than 2 other girls making eyes at him, you might want to keep your pants buttoned.
I left Marquette smitten over a Finnish man... One that was going back to Finland at the end of the school year. He came to visit in Colorado more than twice, spending way more money and time and attention than I deserved. In the end, it wasn't meant to be... I was probably on an unfortunate rebound after all the bullshit that Adam kid put me through... yet again, a tale that either needs to be buried or saved for another day. My Finnish love interest wanted me to move to Finland with him this May when it was time for him to leave, and when I declined, the relationship abruptly ended...
The next in line was someone I worked with. MISTAKE is always writen all over that situation. I had met yet another ski tech... another situation for me that should be an immediate red flag. This man was full of southern hospitality... and being from the midwest and not something I had not been introduced to before, southern hospitality will make any Michigan girl weak in the knees. I found myself smiling and being made dinner. Now, to make this really clear... The straight way into my cold and confused heart is food... food and pretty much only food. This man wanted to be my boyfriend... flat out wanted to be in a serious relationship. This is not something I need after my Adam Bomb. I fled...
At the very end of what I just described: Ski Tech numero Dos... I went to a party, ahem, a pimps and hoes party... classy. I had a few guys trying to talk to me, trying to buy me drinks... I had noticed a guy. Ahem, a guy in a tall tee, a tie and a fitted hat. Holy bro bra... But, holy HOT HOT HOT... But I was having fun and ignored the fact that I definitely thought he was the best looking in the bar. Well, my neglectence worked and it went a little something like this "Hi, my buddy over there wants me to film him break dancing... I'm really drunk and was wondering if you could come help me work my camera". Now, I might have been born CLOSE to yesterday... But when I see a pretty brand new Sony HD camera that this man is pointing at, I know I'm getting hit on. I laughed in his face but left the dude that was talking my ear off, only for him to get in a fight with my new tee and tie interest's friend. I left and said where I'd be if he really wanted to talk to me. When he showed up later, I didn't say much but managed to grab his pen and write my number on his hand... my correct number and even my 8 lettered name. The next day, I panicked. I never give that info out... no way was he ever going to call... Well, mister AV (whose name I had no memory of the next day) has become my best friend and my biggest love interest in a really long time... Unfortunately, he is an Adam #2... Recovering from a breakup, way more legit than Adam's situation... but still, I see the red flag. We've dated... we've swooned... we've taken a step back... ahhh. This is my man drama that I so continueously write about on these blogs. I think I should leave AV at that for the night because in my experience with my man descriptions, they aren't short and they aren't detached. AV will not be excluded from this, sadly enough. Maybe I'll get lucky and it will end before I find time to write about my struggles with him...
So. Because of the man drama so briefly mentioned above... I set out on a mission, a drinking and meeting mission. This mission consisted of whiskey and landing my newly found African best friend and myself men. Real men. Hot men. and most of all, drunk as skunks like we were. This was an adventure that only Copper could handle because it's bartenders knew us, hooked us up and knew better than to cut us off when the time came. I found myself quickly buzzed up and in an epic guitar hero war... big mistake. When it comes to guitar hero, I think I'm the shit and I'm really not. So here I am calling rematch after rematch with a guy I randomly challenged about 4 songs before. 3 pitchers and 5 whiskeys later, we were a sloppy dance party soon to be sleeping 5 deep in the smelly employee housing. This is how I met Dale. Oh Dale... Poor sweet, absolutely not my kind of guy Dale. Dale snatched my number in a drunken stumble saying he lost his phone and needed me to call it and has been calling it ever since. Dale met me at the bar one night in Denver when my best friend was visiting, good ole AV showed up too. This is not my idea of a great time, good think I was absolutely forget-my-own-name drunk and Alex put me in a cab and took me home (he's good at this). I received texts all night pretty much calling me a whore and had a pretty pissed AV on my hands wanting to kick some kid named Dale's butt. Dale had proceeded to take me to a Nuggets game, dishing almost 200$ on each ticket and not asking money back... Actually refusing the money at one point. This kid lives in Denver, and has since the Nuggs game, showed up in Summit at my local bar environments: this is immediately followed by texts asking me to come where he is and to be his girlfriend. Yet again, I have ran. He has no education... Barely a job... Live life freely... Congrats, you're doing what every one talks of doing but really knows that they suck once they do. Lets just say, he still has my number and still calls.
There are more... bunches more. Its quite ridiculous actually. I love men and I really enjoy having as many as possible... But when one has made out with your best friend for an entire night and doesn't get that that might be the reason you don't return his date request, you come to realize that the guys here may be a tad desperate... Desperate meaning pathetic. I have reason to think that this man fiasco will continue until I move from this women dry town or until someone puts a ring on my finger. Dear jesus, its going to be a long road.

I do have to admit, my desire to write here is specifically from reading and watching too much television. Entourage has given me the great desire to become famous and have so much money that I don't know what to do with it (and have so much money that I don't need a man to preoccupy my time... I'll be doing way too much sweet shit to have a man hanging around). Californication has brought up the blog interest and made me think "holy crap, I have a blog!". Last... My new idol, Chelsea Handler of Chelsea Lately. I had not watched her show until I was actually half way through this puke pile of life and words, but her books are hilarious and remind me incredibly of my friends and my own lives... Maybe someday my crazy life will make me money, too bad I need to write it all down to remember any of it.

Thats it. A BREIF account of my life so far in a new place far away from everything I've known and built. Hopefully it will be a better one than the mess I seemed to have left behind... I mean, hopefully, I have learned something from my hectic and stupic past.

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