[All communicators will beep, and the sound will be familiar for long time residents as notification that something has changed on the devices, internally-or, maybe in this case, externally. After a moment, if the characters are wearing the earpieces to their communicators, one of their new "upgrades" will activate: a tinted "visor shield" will slide out from the earpiece automatically and over their eyes (from one ear to the other), and project the data from their communicator screens through the visor instead. A video transmission cuts in, presenting the image of an expressionless young woman, and when she speaks, her voice gives off the same demeanor.]
As per my master's orders, your network permissions have been upgraded. I feel it foolish to give such power to strangers, especially ones easily swayed by false words. Therefore, do not give reason for such to be revoked.
I am the network admin. If you need assistance, perhaps I may aid you where the magisters and the royalty will fail to do so.
You may call me LILITH.