Who: Tifa, Caim
What: Investigation & Interrogation.
Where: Casino restaurant.
When: After
For her to take some time off for herself-that, in itself, was a rare occurrence. But for the sake of Caim, she did make sacrifices. Perhaps it wasn't the most truthful of statements to say that she wanted to spend time with him, but in the end, there was a modicum of truth in her words. While she did want to scope out the newly formed city block and casino, there was no one else she'd rather explore than the magister himself. Aside from exploring, there were answers that she wanted to get out from the man. Questions that she had to ask face to face, and not through the network device.
But what was it that made Caim the one magister that she trusted? Perhaps it was narrow minded of her to make her decisions based on first impressions, but there was something about the other magisters. One reminded her far too much of ShinRa, always talking his way out of things. The others, too protective or too misleading. There was something about Caim that was familiar-come to think of it, he was a lot like Cloud, wasn't he? Always brushing things off to the side but in the end, always pulling through.
Perhaps that's why he felt so familiar. It was pathetic, seeking someone out due to their familiarity, when in reality they didn't know each other at all.
She pressed the soft fabric of the black dress she was wearing, placing a napkin over her lap. There wasn't anything she did in particular for this meeting-a small black dress, but then everything else was the usual. Tifa considered herself a rather plain woman, and thus acted as such. No makeup, no elaborate jewelry save for her standard earrings and rings, no elaborate clothing... nothing of that sort. Simplicity was Tifa's style, and would always be her style.
She looked down at her curled up hands over the napkin, before looking up at the man sitting across her, pensive about the events that had come to pass in the past year. There was so much to go over, so much to dismiss, so much to take into consideration. And even when compiled, nothing made sense. In thought of that, she pursed her lips into a thin line, starting their conversation once again.
"What do you think about the casino?"
Lively, but suspicious.