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spadassin January 19 2009, 00:37:08 UTC
Avoiding dances had become more than a bit boring after a while, and Scathach decided that she might as well have some form of entertainment to draw from before the night ended. And indeed, seeing the shocked looks on her partners' faces once she actually accepted their invitations was more than enough to sustain her good mood. And the way they seemed so hesitant to touch her, as if they knew it was wrong, knew they should turn and go find someone else or a glass of wine to nurse to stave off the shudder that flew down their spines at the feel of her chilled skin.

Another dance gone, another would-be suitor out of the way. Perfect.

She caught his scent first; it wasn't quite a familiar one, but she had seen him in the streets and followed him enough to know the gist of it. Until today she hadn't even known his name, but that didn't matter. What was a name? Just a title. She had plenty, none of which particularly mattered enough for her to give unless asked. Anonymity was a luxury that she enjoyed, one she wasn't often willing to give up simply on a whim.

But she had given it to him, and that alone was a sign that he'd caught her interest. Whether or not that was a good thing was still to be decided. But none of that stayed with her long as she wove her way around the couples, sliding her skinny body through spaces that should have been too small for anyone to pass by. Every cropped crimson lock was in place and her dress remained relatively unruffled as she reached him, an enigmatic half-smile on her lips.

"Lavi." No other introduction, merely a name.


orz, errands wtbindifference January 19 2009, 02:35:41 UTC
Well, she'd said he would know her, and when he turned to face her, Lavi thought he knew why.

Scatty was a beautiful woman, no question. Her long legs mostly exposed, her shoulders bare, so much striking pale skin. But somehow he could not help thinking, I would know you.

Perhaps he wouldn't instinctively know her as an immortal, but he would know she wasn't quite human. She was too... clean-looking. Cold, in a way he couldn't quite put his finger on.

"Scatty," he returned, and reached out a hand to take hers, the other sliding neatly behind his back. "Would you like to dance?"


*pets* no worries (: spadassin January 19 2009, 03:00:34 UTC
The way he looked at her made her feel almost human, just like when she and Namae had sat together. The same feeling of muted delight swept her frozen veins, and she let it wash over her, let it rush over her. This was what they felt like, she knew. The human women who tried to impress their male counterparts and succeeded. This was that sensation.

His warmth was so much softer than Namae's furious heat. It was richer, somehow. She smiled a bit more, took his hand and some small part of her hoped he wouldn't recoil from the iciness of her flesh. But she would warm, she knew that. Stay around humans long enough, and one began to act like them, look like them. In her case, she would absorb their body heat and her temperature would climb to match theirs. If she stuck around, of course.

"I would." It was so easy for her, falling back into this routine. Even centuries of celibacy towards galas could not completely drown the memories. Partner, curtsy, hand-in-hand. Eye-contact, polite smiles. But that was ages ago, much too formal for the current times. Instead she waited for him to lead, as she was supposed to, though it was rather difficult.


<3~ wtbindifference January 19 2009, 19:13:00 UTC
Current times being relative, of course. Lavi took her hand, lifting it to the appropriate position, and then slid his other arm around her waist, bringing that hand to rest on the small of her back. Formal, polite, proper. And no attempts to cop a feel. Really.

"We can start with a waltz?" he suggested cheerily. The music didn't completely lend itself, but it had something close to the right beat.


spadassin January 20 2009, 00:10:23 UTC
Well now, that was interesting. Apparently, he had been classically trained, just like her. Or perhaps he was from a different time-she had heard that such things were possible here. A person never knew just what or who they would encounter while in Nuadoria.

Scatty tilted her head to the side for a moment and then nodded, sliding her small hand up to his shoulder. "We can," she confirmed, waiting for the rhythm of the music to fit the relative tempo they would need.


*dies a million deaths and is dead* wtbindifference January 22 2009, 06:26:10 UTC
Lavi knew that he had good rhythm; not the best, not by half, because he didn't really feel the music -- but good rhythm nonetheless. The beat was easy for him to follow, to mimic. At the appropriate point in the music, Lavi launched them both out onto the floor, into the throng of other people dancing.

There, he met her eyes again, and grinned somewhat apologetically. "You must know a ton of better dances," he said. She'd been alive a long time, after all. There had probably been more interesting dances in ages past.


*revives and cradles forever!* spadassin January 22 2009, 11:48:08 UTC
In the back of her mind, she actually willed the other couples to stay away from them. In a sense, it worked; her natural aura was more than enough to ward off most creatures. In reality, she had no control over the grayish second skin that covered her-but it was nice to dream.

Ah, there she went again, pretending she could dream.

The redhead smiled brilliantly, though not enough to display her elongated teeth. "I do," she said simply. "But they are all very complicated, and the music for them is no longer played." True. Most of the better dances had died out long ago, around the rule of King Henry VIII.


*d, d'awww* <3 wtbindifference January 22 2009, 17:11:21 UTC
"Complicated, I can handle," Lavi replied gamely. "Too much waltzing numbs the brain. Three steps in a circle and the occasional dip," he looked at her and thought about it, "over and over again."

Her hand was a little cold in his, even as it began to warm, and the space they were given by the others in the room did not go unnoticed. But frankly, Lavi found both a welcome relief. It was less like touching another person -- less like being surrounded by other people -- and so, slightly less... alarming than those things should have been.

"We could try," he told her, mischievous. In a pretty good mood. "It's not like we're totally on the beat here, and it's not like people're really going to stare. We're a weird crowd, all around."


<3 (: spadassin January 22 2009, 21:29:41 UTC
One slim red eyebrow rose at his half-challenge. Was he serious? From the way he looked at her and continued on, it appeared so. That could be fun-the moment she thought that word, she laughed lowly at herself. It had been a while since she'd actually considered that as a part of her vocabulary.

"I'd have to lead," she replied, her grin growing more than a bit mischievous. She was very apt at pretending to be a man, as odd as that was. Women, even those with abilities such as hers, had never really been able to join the military. If she wanted to get things done, have wars end the way she intended, she had to act the part. Leading someone else in a dance was something she had mastered long ago.


wtbindifference January 25 2009, 15:26:15 UTC
Lavi grinned brightly. "Somehow, I think my masculinity will recover," he said, and released her gently, stepping back one pace and letting his arms hang at his sides so that she would be able to take his hands or whatever this would best involve.

Were he another man, he might have asked in surprise whether women were really allowed to lead, and so discovered her pretenses, but Lavi wasn't going to assume anything of Scatty or the places she'd been. For all he knew, the world she came from had been a matriarchy for millennia.

From the side of his eye, he took quick inventory of the crowd around them; looking again for Allen. Not that he was going stop the dance if he spotted him, but it would be nice to know where the other boy was, and nicer still to introduce them. (Allen would be annoyed. He was always annoyed. But in kind of a cute way: it was fun to see him squirm a little.)


spadassin January 25 2009, 15:33:02 UTC
A genuine smile ghosted over her lips for just a moment, and then she was taking his hands, placing one on her shoulder and pressing her palm to the other. Her free arm went behind her, hand fisted and pressed to the small of her back. Stand straight, raise chin.

"Follow me," she said easily, and began to turn in a slow circle, waiting for him to get the gist of what she was doing. It wasn't a particularly difficult series of moves, but she knew that for someone who hadn't seen everything she had, it would be difficult, foreign.


wtbindifference January 26 2009, 09:54:35 UTC
Attention dragged back again. Lavi blinked.

The slowed speed wasn't really necessary, of course, but he made a show of watching patiently before stepping in to match her. "Somethin' like this?" he asked, cheery as he spun.

"This speed, or faster?"

[ ooc: Allen's showed up to talk; since Scatty is Lavi's date, would she come with to talk to him, or hang back on the dance floor? :3 ]


spadassin January 26 2009, 20:24:06 UTC
So maybe he was better at this than she had expected. One of her rules was to never underestimate an opponent, but it seemed as if she'd forgotten to add "partner" in there as well. A small smile flickered over her lips, just for him, as she nodded.

"A bit faster, but this is just fine." A pause, and then: "Do you think you could lead now?"

[ooc; she'd go with him, i reckon, as long as nobody else catches her attention (:]


wtbindifference February 1 2009, 20:39:40 UTC
"I think so," Lavi said thoughtfully, but yes. He could.

She kept smiling at him, and that was -- kind of strange. It had been a long time since he'd done anything like this. Anything more than blunt, blatant flirting with a girl who was interesting, instead of just beautiful.

Nice, maybe. But also not totally comfortable.

Lavi sped the dance a little, trading places with her briefly, and then he made a show of spotting the white hair in the crowd, losing his rhythm slightly and grinning.

"Hey," he said to her, "d'you wanna meet a friend a' mine?"


spadassin February 2 2009, 21:27:44 UTC
She had never expected him to fully accept who or what she was; Scathach was, to put it simply, too different to ever fit in. Blending in was not in her nature, was not a part of who she was. But tonight she could try; she could attempt to be human, if only to make this creature leading her through this dance feel better.

Empathy. What a strange, strange emotion for her to feel.

His question caught her off guard, and she raised one slim eyebrow. After a moment, however, she nodded. "I would very much like to, yes."


wtbindifference February 2 2009, 21:57:33 UTC
Lavi smiled at her and slowed his pace in the dance, sliding out of it naturally into more of a walk. "Follow me, then."

[ ooc: over here! ]


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