Nov 15, 2008 18:05
Okay, guys. Here's a heads up of where AT is going to be heading event-wise.
Currently, we're doing the Two-Face Murder Event (with sub event with Lucifer), which are both player events.
It's going to be tailed by another player event, which will be brought up by the player in charge once this other event is over.
That player event will be leading into a rather large multi-stepped event that's going to have various parts to it and sort of be a little bit like a running on situation more than a week long time deal or whatnot (so there may be other "events" during the time, but this is going to be an active plot scenario that the players need to be involved with :) ). This is actually the situation I was discussing earlier with some people concerning a big plot event blah blah blah. Anyway.
A couple things to know OOCly.
1. DO NOT get your character killed within the next few events (including the player one) unless you want them involved in plot. (They'll be dead for a good portion of the player event, okay 8| and have to do some really plot centric things.)
2. For the MOD Plot Event: Your main NPCs will be Ava, Belin, and Dai. Gaea will be your main bone of contention/responsible for everything/adversary/your puppeteer/whatever, but she won't be constantly around to assist you (the others should be constants, whether as hindering or assisting is up in the air unless one of their players says otherwise). I'm not going to really pinpoint her or any of the other NPCs as "villains", because it really will depend on who's perspective you're looking from and what side it's played out. I need to talk with the NPC players, but it will also depend on how Ava, Belin, and Dai want to involve themselves, if at all. You'll notice Caim is not on that list. I'm suffering a mega and rather sudden burnout with him, and I'd rather that the players get to know the other magisters a little better as I think Caim is decently established. Dai is catching up, but no one's been able to converse with him without Caim throwing a tantrum lmf :| So, Caim will be out of commission (and most likely in Ava's care) at the start of the player event until the end of this plot event, which is about mid December. At worst, this means he'll be completely absent. At best, he might make a few comments here and there. Also, the substance of this plot will make Caim very difficult to deal with and he'd be a huge antagonist to the PCs more likely than not, so it'll flow better if he's just out of the picture until the very end (Then you can have a fucking boss fight against him and Ava 8,) I meant what). If you wanted your character to ask Caim anything, do it ASAP.
3. This Mod Plot event is going to be the first event that is going to introduce a concept of division and choice amongst the characters. Can't remain neutral forever, can we? Your characters will be faced with difficult choices if they want their friends back, and they'll have to pick. And their choices will not make every NPC happy with them. Its their choice and their power and the NPCs NEED them.
4. I've decided to draw it out this way so AT can still have a plot/have stuff for us to do while we're all cramming University/holiday stuff without everyone being absent and just nothing happening at all. Hopefully this method works well, another one of my shitty experiment attempts 8| *crosses fingers*
5. If all goes well, this will end about mid December :) And we'll have a fun/happy event for Christmas. \o
QUESTIONS? ANSWERS? WHAT? Yeah, they go here.