EVENT END ll >>> finaaalllyyy

May 18, 2009 19:17

To some, it'll be oddly familiar how once the sound of bells start, so does the decay, exactly like before. And once again, Nuadoria is a rather lovely looking place. You're back on the regeneration plane for the time being. Enjoy it while it lasts.

During the transition, to the regeneration plane, in that ear piercing sound, you'll only feel the pain for a second before it goes silent despite the bells continuing to ring. And your characters will be experiencing another one of those dreams.

And then it's over, leaving you in Nuadoria's prosperity with your thoughts.

Even characters whom had less than desirable conditions set upon them (ghosts & half-ghosts) will find themselves suddenly returned to their normal solid state somewhere in the city regardless of their previous location (should they have been in the Necropolis prior).

Although, there are a few things that aren't exactly the same as before. First, there's a new addition to Nuadoria, off where the docks are in a corner (don't try to look at the map right now it's down lol :( ). It's a completely new district, some type of entertainment distract (bars, etc). The largest and most notable building is currently inaccessible, although from the outside of it looks something akin to a hotel or even a casino.

While most monsters retreat, your characters will find that not all do, or even that some will appear after the planes have shifted. If they're alone, they'll only see one. If they're not, they'll see only as many as there are people with them. And each creature will step towards a character, seemingly curious, inspecting, but not hostile. Should you try to harm them, it won't do you any good. In fact, you may find any injuries the one interested in you sustains, you'll be receiving a mirror image.


OOC: Okay, sorry for the copy and paste on the details, guys. As a good majority of you know my keyboard is broken haha :( . Anyway, as far as visions this time around, there's only one and everyone is going to see the same thing instead of different scenarios (the NPCs see the same thing, too, since they're not exempt from this). This is for a couple reasons, mainly because I can't write for the life of me right now and thus I'm producing horrible results (so please accept my apologies for the less than stellar writing on that dream scenario) annnd... when I was fishing for ideas, some people really wanted to see something ironic and completely opposite of what the last set of dreams showed. Seeing Dai in a nice light was actually specifically requested, and I didn't have much going for other ideas, so here we are. Seemed redundant to show Dai in a better light than he's been painted by their memories and by himself here more than once C: *makes excuses forever*

Anyway, the other thing is your characters now have pokemon. I mean, familiars of some sort. There's currently no obvious reason why they have them or what they're doing there, but there's one creature following every character around now. No matter what you do they won't be very far off. As some might notice, you can't hurt them without hurting yourself. So don't try and kill them. If you do, they'll probably temporarily incapacitate you somehow (note they can do that to you without it hurting them, but not vice-versa okay). Regardless of what shape they come in, they're perfectly capable of being aggressive and they're also elementals.

As far as their appearances, they currently only have one appearance and it can be whatever you guys desire. They can look like animals or creatures or whatever. They might look like a cat or a dog and have some sort of monstrous addition to them, too (like, idk, tentacle!dogs). It's completely up to you. Just don't make them SO HUGE it gets obnoxious for them to be around (if you want to make a dragon fine, but don't make it the size of half the city ok. AND NO THIS IS NOT THE SPECIAL DRAGON THAT CAN FLY YOU SOMEWHERE AND HAVE SKY BATTLES WITH. thatsforlater). Your characters will be able to send them away and call them back at will as soon as the information becomes ICly available to them concerning what is going on.

As far as their elements go, remember when you guys were all separated into groups for the previous dream sequences? Well, that's your element choice. :) If you chose not to be separated, the monster either has a light or dark element attribute. It's your choice, they're both offensive and defensive in their own forms, so it's really just personal preference.

If you haven't guessed, these things are sort of power boosters that Lilith did for you guys at Caim's request .... waaaayyy back when that no one probably remembers. More information on how to use them to boost your character's power or fight with them, etc. will be along later as soon as my keyboard is fixed and I'm done school.

obviously, typical questions and comments and etc go here.
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