Sep 14, 2006 15:51
What's going on?
Been a while since I've updated.
I haven't posted since I got back from Silver Lake.
That was a while back.
One more week until I get my license!! WOOT!
I'm excited. Can't wait til I can drive whereever.
Walking takes forever...
Hopefully Josh can get me a job at GameStop.
((Thanks for the effort, bro!))
Tonight, I'm going to Katelyn's swim meet.
People are coming over for some Smash.
It'll be fun, I suppose.
Life has been.. fair lately.
Nothing too exciting.
The shop still didn't get their internet back.
They expect it tonight or something within the week.
I'm thinking about helping out there again..
Though they paid me little..
The little was still something.
More than what I'm making now.
and I basically get to do the same thing I would at home.
If I get a job there we can do smash tourneys again =P
But of course, it'll have to work around school and GameStop.
((if I get a job at GS))
I've got class in a bit, so I'm cutting this post short.
I LOVE YOU KATELYN!!!!! (always will, too!)
-=JoShUa LeE GrAySoN=-