I'm finally going to start using this thing.... and a warning.,

May 09, 2010 16:15

So it occurred to me today, after sitting in my bathroom starting a the little white stick that I had just peed on scrutinizing whether or not that was an evap, a shadow, or the beginnings of a real second line,this i that I really needed a hobby. So after almost 4 years of having a LJ account I think I am finally going to start using this thing ( Read more... )


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absolutanjul May 9 2010, 23:38:45 UTC
Martha: I love you dearly, but why is it you feel like everything I say is against you personally? I have tons of friends who have children yet none of them respond like this? I don't think I'm making light of your problems with this blog or objectifying you, nor am I blaming you for my infertility. I have labeled myself because it is what I am. I am okay with the title, why can't you be? As I posted if you don't like what I am writing simply ignore my blogs. You told me if I couldn't handle what you wrote that ignoring you for some time would be for the best, perhaps it is true in this case as well. I am going through something right now that not many people can truly understand. I need to vent about the stupidity I deal with every day, and the pain I am going through. Please Martha let me have this.

I have opened my blog up to anyone who wishes to read it and even posted on my facebook. The warning I wrote wasn't concerning you, rather it was concerning people who may stumble upon this and not understand that I mean nothing personally or intentionally. I thought that our misunderstanding was resolved months ago.

I have a disease... just as if I had heart disease, or high blood pressure. It is not something that I have done to myself nor is it something anyone else has done to me. It is what it is and I have to live with it, and deal with it. The only other person that has to share in my grief is my husband. This is going to be my outlet, just as it is for millions of other bloggers. It is what it is Martha. I hope this doesn't end our friendship, but it isn't like it will be something new. I've lost a lot of friends because of my infertility, but I've also made new ones.

Thank you for information on how to upload a picture. I greatly appreciate it.


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