Worried I'm getting myself hyped up for nothing...

Sep 28, 2008 11:45

So this is our last month trying without assistance. My appointment with my OB/GYN ended with a prescription for clomid, a order for a sperm assay for DH, and an order to continue temping, using OPKs, and checking my cervix. If this doesn't work in 6 months I am off to see an RE. It was too late when I saw the Dr. to start the clomid this cycle, but he said to go ahead and try. Hopefully I would actually ovulate this month, and not false ovulate again. I started having horrible bloating, and gas at approximately 6 DPO. By 8 DPO it was so bad that I had to call my PCP. That was possibly the biggest waste of my time. She basically told me that it could be my hormones and an early pregnancy symptom, but it was too soon to test, so I was supposed to go on a liquid diet in case it was a intestinal virus. Sigh... I am now 13 DPO, and all my HPTs have been negative, but my PCP told me that I most likely wont get a +HPT until Tuesday (that's the day AF is due). I'm not getting my hopes up because I don't feel pregnant. At 10 DPO I starting having some brownish color in my CM. At 11 DPO I had some bright red blood in my CM after a BM, but that went away immediately. I'm not exactly sure what that means, but it stopped so I guess that's okay. I'm hoping that I don't have another 20 day LP this time. If I'm not pregnant I want AF to show up ASAP so I can start the clomid, and hopefully everything will be okay.
This was my stomach at 8 DPO.... It was this big again last night...

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