CD 10

Aug 05, 2008 21:56

So here we are at CD 10. I had to change some info on my chart so it says today, tomorrow, and Thursday are my fertile days. DH and I are BDing just in case, but I'm not sure when I'm supposed to "O". My chart is confused because my cycles have no distinct length, and my temps have been steady low. I'm really hoping my OPK is positive before the 9th because DH goes to Westport then. I don't want to have to drive up there, but I will. This has definitely become an unhealthy obsession. I'm reading what other women are writing about this being their 8th month or 11th month with no BFP. I know this is my first month trying, but I am so nervous that I will be one of those women who can't conceive. It's ridiculous and I know more than a few of my friends who read this will yell at me for even worrying. I've just gotten to the point in my life where babies are all I think about. UGH! Stupid biological clock.... stupid friends getting pregnant with babies... My Organic Chem class ends this Friday and then I have the 2WW that is the killer. I'm going to try to occupy my time with cleaning the house, painting, and getting the kitchen ready for remodeling. This is going to be the longest two weeks of my life.
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