Freedom (2/2)

Jan 03, 2009 22:17

Title:  Freedom
Author:  twinsarein
Rating:  NC-17
Pairing:  Clex
Genre:  PWP
Warnings:  Kink - adult toy, mild D/s (very mild); underage

Word count:  3,630 of 9218
Summary:  Clark is tired of being in control all the time.

Standard disclaimer:   They aren't mine and never will be.  If they were, I would have no need to be writing these stories and I would be too exhausted to write anyway.

Feedback:  I want it now, now, now - pretty please.

A/N:  I have been fascinated by the idea of this type of toy since I first read about them in a regular slash story a couple of years ago.  I don't know why.  When I was in the process of writing my Christmas story two weeks ago, the idea for this popped into my head and wouldn't leave me alone until I wrote it.  I kept trying to tell it that my other story had a deadline, but it didn't care. *sigh*

A/N 2:  I forgot to include this in part one, so I will do it here.  At the end of this post is a link that will take you to the giant dildo mentioned in the first part.  I was looking for info on penile plugs when I came across it.  Actually I came across a different one, that I briefly considered using instead, but found it just too extreme.  I'll include a link to that one as well, just for those curious among you.

Part One is here.

Cut to the story on my LJ
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