Title: She Will Be Loved
Chapter: 3
Written By:
rjchasez and
robynadele0406Rating: PG-13 (other chapters will most likely be NC-17)
Pairings: Chlark; Chlollie
Spoilers: General spoilers for the series; mainly season 7, maybe through Siren. Not sure yet.
Disclaimer: If we had it our way, Clark and Chloe would have gotten together a freaking long time ago.
Summary: After seven long years, Clark returns from his training at the fortress to a life full of heartbreak, lies, and betrayal.
Notes: Futurefic. Will most likely contain spoilers/specs for upcoming eps and the like. Not saying we want this to be canon, but anything can happen. lol This story will be heavily based on the song and music video by Maroon 5. And yes... I highly realize Clark looks like crap on the banner. He's depressed. Leave us alone. lol If you have not read previous chapters, please
CLICK HERE to catch up.
(He walked the alleyways behind the Daily Planet alone, ears trained for any kind of noise.)