Title: Memento Mori
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Suggestions of abuse and non-con, dark
Spoilers: Early S7
Summary: Chloe’s memory has betrayed her, and as she attempts to sort through the uneven memories, she faces her current struggles regarding her new status as more than human. abused!Chloe prompt for Absolut Chloe Challenge Second Wave (though... late). Set between the end of ‘Kara’ and the beginning of ‘Action.’
Author’s Notes: I am going by the canon ages according to her birth date listed on her tombstone in S4. If you have an issue with that, take it up with the writers. In fact, I’m taking issue with them in this fic.
There are lies. Tangled. Threads of one story knotted in another so hard and so complex that there is no unraveling the mess without taking a harsh, sharp pair of scissors to her memories.