ester greenwood is suicidal

May 17, 2005 22:47

-lost my toe nail (really disgusting looking)
-reading the bell jar (really upbringing)
-first timer at d court (got off with a warning)
-putting off making up spanish and chemistry tests
-need to go see the manager at avanti
-purchased ticket to the faint (really excited i get to go afterall!!)
-he said i have to wait till "hades freezes over"
-being on time to the infinity number of mission trip meetings
-i have a good year book picture for the first time
-my first art project i am satisfied by is also my last (ironic?)
-realizing a good portion of my friends are graduating and the chances of me seeing/talking to them after this year are slim
-note to self, work on paying attention and listening skills
-just found out mike is going to be my ex-neighbor
-i want to dye my hair again
-reunited with my scarab jewelry
-burned myself in an awkward looking circle on my neck
-today is pops birthday, i miss him
-i'm glad madison leah green is my best friend (not so recent)
-and of course its late and i still need a shower
-and of course i have been wasting my time making pointless lists and reading all day
of course
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