Jul 03, 2005 23:59
Your sitting there.. kind of sad.. I think? I can't describe it.. you can't describe it. If I had a camera this would be one of those perfect pictures.. You know the kind that captures the exact feeling your having.. no fake smiles.. no poses. It's beautiful and for that reason- whatever you are- makes me smile.. So without technology i'll take a picture with my mind.. through my eyes. The Human Brain.. is the most complex.. most dense object we have discovered. If we only use a certain percent.. and each day .0000000 (0000,comma, comma, comma)percent is uncovered..deeper and deeper.. we create the density.. More dense than a black hole, because while that can be defined as an exact number, our brains change every second. Your one human mind is capable of controlling everything you understand in this life... in the universe? whatever the universe is. You know when you stand up mega fast from laying down and your eyes close in with black... and your just thankful you know every inch of your house so well or else you'd bang into a wall or a chair? My eyes are wide open and I can't see a thing...help me see. my ears are beeping too.. you know like after you've been at a concert all day and when you climb in the car your ears still ring with the debris of the music? I've been sober 5 days and this is the biggest trip i've been on. I think you picked me up just in time? Right before I blacked out. thank you. "I love you smash." I disreguard you.. and you go off on one of your serious speaches.. it makes me smile thinking about it. haha when you shrug your shoulders and shake your head.. and your gaze kind of veers up really quick searching for proof, but comes right back to confirm the statement with eye contact. ohhhh you.
Hey nick thanks for the visit! Sorry I didn't hook you up with some free ice cream!