The suns setting behind that distant island, the one i've been feigning to go to, the sand is cool in the shade, I haven't arrived there yet but I anticipate the feeling.. I'm in a boat propelled by depression. I know it. Ha, I feel like if I went to a doctor they would say "whoa your beyond depressed kiddo" and I'd smile. The kind of smile where you press your lips out to the side kind of and search with your eyes for understanding. It's quite a feeling. It's good though.. It's my motivation I walk along the stone wall still warm from 2 o clock via the sun dial, each curve of each stone fits perfectly into the arches of my feet. One last smile at the day before I'm off to obligations.
I'm back to that stone wall, its night time. I guess theres some insects out but I'm not bothered, comforted rather. I lay down on it and stare at the sky, I mean I've stared at the sky before but this time I feel a sense of calm. Every incredible detail of everything.. every atom, every sub-atom has come together to make this world. It's beautiful. I'm overwhelmed by it, I turn my head to my left and part my lips on my shoulder, tasting salt from the beach or sweat, I forgot which. This is too perfect to be corrupted with emotion.
I'm still torn, I've got to pull myself through this torn screen door out of science into the tragedy of human existence.. I mean the beauty of human existence. Ashley think about your feelings. I'l try to write this so you can understand.. I mean your reading this to understand me right?
-I'm a weird Post Card. I want to write you a postcard, but then everyone would read it. I'll mail you a sealed enevelope with a CD inside. I want to learn piano so I can find a way to express my feelings. Language is limiting... But if I could give you a way to feel me like I feel myself through expressive communication and understanding.. it would be perfect. It would be like pink floyd. I wish you were here, but I'm glad your not. I've got what I want, not what I need. No regrets, Right? No regrets. At the time of a decision your motives for whichever actions you choose should be strong enough to back up whatever you go through with. It has to be. If it wasn't, you wouldn't or would do it. Your the only one who loves my stupid jokes. I want to call you and tell you my stupid jokes and hang up. Everything has an opposite, i mean a contradiction.. haha I mean a compliment.. I smile when i say that. So if there is another side to everything.. every atom.. every sub atom.. does that mean theo-logically... we cannot be alone? If everyone dies alone, is peace of mind obtainable? I feel like you cannot die unless you have peace of mind... aka. At some point.. You are not meant to be alone.