Oct 24, 2012 21:08

This should not come as a surprise to anyone that knows me (I have always been vocal over my hatred of my username) but I finally decided to rename this account. kawaii_chicken was always a very cringe worthy name to me. :/

You can update your credits if you want, but you don't have to. All kawaii_chicken links will automatically redirect you to pamkips. C:

In b4 you don't like it (PEOPLE LIKED KAWAII_CHICKEN?) but tbh everything's an upgrade compared to kawaii_chicken. Like I could have renamed to something like crazy4munchies, catluver1997, int3rn3tn3rd or runonsentenceluvah and it would still be miles better than k_c. You know I'm not lying. I'll probably rename in a couple of months again. :( ONE DAY PAPRIKA, ONE DAY.

tl;dr: Goodbye (lj) kawaii_chicken username, you will not be missed. LET US CELEBRATE TOGETHER. :D

!!masochist pam is masochist, !!rename, !!pam needs to stfu, !!clusterfuck, !!tears from the bad, !!i am weak, !!you guyyyyyyyyys, !!test, !!fuk proofreading, !!lolpam, !!who needs proofreading, !!news, !!dis bitch pam

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