*Who: Yax & Evan... oh and some other drunken assholes
*When: Holidays (sorry it's early... Sophie's impatient ;P)
*What: To try and make amends
*Why: Because she'd pissed at him and he doesn't seem to like it
*Rating: NC-17 for sexual and violent themes (Strip club & Drunk Guys)
Practise Safe Sex and Go F*ck Yourself )
"There! Happy..." he said and then put his wand back on his belt.
"What? Do you even really know me at all you hippocrite? Do you?" he glared at her a little, "I wanted to apologize and if i really "hated" and only wanted to "use" you I would of just let that drunk do what he liked to you. If I hated you that much i would of gotten off on it...if I wanted you that badly, I would of got you after, pretended I wasn't there. But guess what, I don't hate you. I don't want to use you."
"So you know what, you can fuck off..." he said, "I thought you were my friend and i thought that you'd forgive me for my stupid mistake..."
Evan stayed still, wanting to see how she reacted to this, if she was angry with him, he didn't know how he'd react till she spoke, but he hoped she'd consider what he said...because it was all true.
She knew what he was like to others, she'd seen it first hand at school...he was not the heroic type and he was certianlly not the type to apologize this way.
"I could've handled him myself, you just wanted a foot in the door. And you can say all the bull shit you like, it wasn't a fucking stupid little mistake! It was intentional and I'm sorry if I'm a little touchy on the subject. If you really want to get into how to be a good friend how about you start by not taking things I've told you, and only fucking you, twisting them around and throwing them in my face!
"Bloody hell.. why can't you see that this isn't about the fucking sex?! It's about you taking advantage of my trust which I happened to stupidly give you blindly."
He ran a hand through his hair listening to her rant, as bad as his own, man why did he always mention sex, everything just worse after that. He heard angry screams outside, and completely ignored them.
"I am sorry...it was a slip of the tongue. An accident...I seriously am sorry...it wasn't intended to anger or upset you..."
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