Sep 07, 2004 13:41
One of my earliest memories as a child was my mother teaching me how to count as she climbed up and down the stairs of the house we grew up in. Holding me tight, she would place a foot on each step and recount 1, 2, 3 and so on. I think there were 14 all up or was it 15?
I also remember how, on the first day of kindergarten, I fell into the drain. My mother was there to comfort me and tell me that everything was alright. Mind you, it was a deep, dark, foreboding drain which somehow dragged me in as my little legs tried to carry me across (I am sure I wouldn't even give it a second glance if I were to cross it today).
I'm remembering this because I realise that I am at an age where I will be the one to comfort a child. Be it my own child, my niece, or my friend's children. I will be the one they learn from, listen to, mimic. I will be the one to grab tissues and wipe away their tears. I will be the one who reluctantly disciplines them. I will be the one to teach them to dream and laugh. I will be the one who listens to them sleep at night.
What a responsibility, what a task, what a legacy.