Nov 12, 2007 01:59
I didn't have a chance to post on Friday, but we got news that there is a piece of legislature in front of the Governor that will cut state funding for preschools. If it gets signed a lot of preschools will lose most or all of their funding, including S's school.
Crowley Center (her school) will loose something like 80% of their funding, and they have already spent what would be the remaining 20%. If the legislature gets signed her school will close after Thanksgiving. The children will not be able to attend after that date. Then, next year the school will only be allowed to accept about 80 kids (there are nearly three hundred attending right now), if they are even allowed to open again, as the lack of money may cause permanent closures.
I pray that Granholm will not sign it. After all, education was her big selling point at election time. Specifically, she said that there are many studies that tell us positively that children who attend preschool are more likely to go to college, and less likely to go to prison.
More to the point - My daughter loves going to school. She loves her teachers, she loves her classmates, she loves learning. What will I tell her if her school closes before Christmas? How do I tell her that the government decided that they no longer want to invest in children's futures?
I am asking all Michiganders, and even the Michiganians to write to the governor and ask her not to sign away our preschools.
Please concider this especially if you have or intend to have children.