This year hasnt been so bad. Most of it involved Nathan and my allergies. Here is a review of my year via live journal:
absinthe new years-
-Travis and Kate are wearing the tiaras now and Travis kept wrestling me to the ground. He ran out back to play on some backyard playground, which is strange at a 21 year old's house.
I wanted some of the German beer, so Travis showed me the coke machine that use to contain "The Kaiser". We searched inside it only to recover an empty bottle of strawberry tequila.
Around this time while everyone was yelling about guitars or something I decided
it would be a good idea to walk to Whataburger. I was starving and the food at Nathan's house would amount to an M&M and sugar sandwich.
absinthe downtown-
-Next stop was a bar down on Palafox. I confiscated some coasters from the bar and after dropping them a few times Nathan took them away from me.
The next destination was Pensacola Bay. I thought spitting in it would be a big fuck you to someone, but I dont remember who. After completing this task we sat on the rocks and the absinthe was making the area feel very weird. I wasnt hallucinating, but I felt that everytime I surveyed the area something changed.
-My Identity has been compromised!
Someone stole my credit card number. Damn identity theft. If anyone is going to use up the whole six dollars and fifty-six cents that is available on my card then it will be me!
When my alarm clock was possessed-
-It goes off when I get near it. Then it comes back on when I get away from it. Danell said that it is like the clock is saying, "DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME YOU BITCH!"
my tattoo-
-Im nervous about tomorrow. Im scheduled to get my tattoo tomorrow morning. It is going to be jellyfish on the inside of my upper right arm. I am sure the pain will be intense, but I am nervous as to whether or not I will like it. I have been thinking about it for a while, but it kind of hard to be certain about something that will be a permanent part of you.
Night in Ft Walton-
-Ft Walton is bizzare.
Watch out for spikes!
Why is there so much "unseasonal decoration" and unneccessary lighting?
TRAPT! (all those who were there know what Im talking about)
My allergies-
The real problem is......
-I went to a party last night in which there were many hippies. I was accosted for wearing deodorant, LITERALLY!
This is no joke! She asked me out of no where if I wear deodorant, and when I said yes she started in on how she thinks it causes breast cancer and shit. Her friend came over and joined in on the deodorant protest.
Ghetto adventure-
-Now that Kate has proven that getting into the superfund site is easy I am excited to go back when it is not so cold outside.
Urban tumbleweed indeed.
There is a private highly secure neighborhood right in the middle of the ghetto.
We saw the Bunny Club down in the blocks.
We saw many hookers and drug dealers on Cervantes.
The HO-
-This weekend was okay, although I backed out on a lot of what was planned.
Saturday night was the first time I went to the H&O. It was amazing food that makes every other late night feeding ground obsolete. There were even people dancing to the jutebox!
I had fried chicken at four in the morning. It was the greatest thing ever.
I had to instruct Sour Kate to wait outside after she started yelling about how she hated the jazz music on the jutebox. I probably saved her scrawny retard ass.
Parasite pals-
-found a site directed at children in third world countries: If you point at Tickles the Tapeworm with you mouse, then he eats hamburgers!
"Tickles is living within the stomach. He likes much the good food."
creepy work experience-
-Yesterday was a strange day at work. It felt long and boring but went by realitively fast.
I was standing near the counter and found a little blue glass star. I figured a customer must have left it. About an hour later I picked the star up again and began to ponder why it had been left. I tried to remember all the customers who had been in that day. I went outside and sat on the bench for a while, taking the star with me. After sitting there for about twenty minutes I glanced over to my right and saw that there was another fucking blue glass star sitting on the bench five inches from me.
The Fantastic Four go drinking at DQ!-
-The DQ drinking plan went better than expected. DQ turned out to be horribly boring, so we went to the kidnapped children monument to continue drinking. Across the street from the kidnapped children monument is a monument that appears to depict moving volcanoes and a war which causes the US to sink into the sea. You would think that whoever went through the trouble of designing a large marble monument would seek an artist whos work does not rival a grade school art contest.
The monument of lost children is weird in itself, let alone the fact that this "sanctuary" for abducted kids was erected. It depicts an old guy with kids in his arms and two large hands above him seemingly dragging him down into the ground (or possibly throwing gang signs).
On the back of it someone had spray painted, "School kills a childs soul".
When we went to the gas station to acquire beer,I was drunk enough to believe that a cup of gas station boiled peanuts were a good idea. Some were discolored....
Then we went to the bluffs and wondered through the woods. We came to some sort of look out deck, and stayed there until the beer was gone. Nathan ended up dropping his glasses off of the look out deck, and started a fire underneath us in order to find them. He refused to put it out until I threatened to do so with the last of his beer.
After that we searched for the path to the shoreline in vain. When we got to a dead end on the boardwalk path thing, we hurled beer bottles at the train tracks.
-Krys is to be known now as
-Nathan and I went to the flea market today. It was the most badass trip ever!
I got Dig Dug II, Snake Rattle and Roll (after DangerousJames endorsed it), Excite Bike, Mega Man 2, a badass knife (watch out!) and a stack of records. The most I spent on a game was six bucks.
I made Nathan buy Super Dodge Ball because it was only $2.50!
We found Rainbow Island Adventure, but they wanted like twenty five for it! Damn, its not like the T&W is on ebay.
-After WEEKS of torture, Super Metroid has been BEATEN!
Squid jerky!-
-I GOT Squid jerky!
It tastes like....the ocean. Its good
For those of you who watch channel 116, you will be surprised to know that it has been TURNED OFF!
I dont know what to do! This is truly the sign of impending doom!
Trip to Mexico-
-We made it back alive!
Although we didnt go as far into Mexico as we had hoped to, I had a lot of fun.
Bayou people dont understand what you say the first time you tell them.
The word "Texas" can be used to describe anything (i.e. "Texas size that", "Serve Texas cold", "Texas truck")
There are road signs in Texas which say to obey road signs.
Mexicans possibly display dead cat carcasses in the window of some restaurants to scare away tourists.
Mexican food is now closing in as my all time favorite food.
Mountains are fucking awesome.
Windmill farms are creepy.
Being out in the middle of nowhere is awesome. There were no Walmarts, McDonalds, or assholes on cellphones after San Antonio.
In the Big Bend park the sky was insanely clear.
There is a guy out there with bayou grass paneling on his pickup truck.
-GIANT OCTOPUS > giant squid
I bring the hurricane-
-Yes, I am willing Ivan towards us.
Apparently I control the DOOM.
You can do nothing about it!
-Not much to say about the hurricane that everyone else hasnt said a million times except
MREs kick ass!
-I got bit on the ass by a spider which caused a red welt which is about five inches in diameter. Its been there for about three days, and now its becoming painful to walk or sit.
So I was looking up home treatment for spider bites, and wasnt freaked out until I saw the pictures.
My birthday in NO-
-New Orleans was a blast!
So after we made it to the hotel and finished off the 40s, we headed over to the Daiquiri Place. This is the most awesome place ever and pensacola should have one on every corner! You can purchase a cup of your choice Daiquiri, or as much as a gallon.
Today was the best day. We went up to Abita Springs to tour the Abita Brewery FOR FREE. The tour started off in the tasting room. When the guide came in, he stated the only two rules before kicking off the tour: 1) some safety bullshit about tripping on hoses. 2) you must start the tour off with a full cup of beer.
-Thanks to everyone for coming to the house last night!
I apparently missed Travis. Even if he was not in costume, I imagine he WAS xNUCLEARxTEARSx!
Jason makes a great Carl.
Joe/Brent were great.
I met Chris aka cbmp in person..sort of. I was drunk.
I hugged the Becks keg some more. I love it so much.
Danell's outfit was great.
Michelle did make the best nerd. haha
I wish Rommel had screamed despairing Spanish phrases.
Krys was cute in the candy hoarding tutu.
Im glad Sars and George came out.
I lost my glasses somewhere.
I regret passing out before the dip everything experiment began.
-Yesterday went well. I ate wayyy too much food and desserts. There were nearly ten different desserts put in front of us. There is no need for so much dessert.
We went bowling last night and it was a blast! Thanks to everyone who came out. I was glad to see so many people show up. This time it seemed that I actually got better when I got more drunk.
When we got to our table some people from the table next to ours were lounging on it and had their garbage all over it. Even after we sat down in the remaining three chairs they didnt fucking move!
FINALLY Dale showed up and inadvertly scared them away.
-I can honestly say that at this moment, I am completely happy.
exams are done! I think I did well.
financial aid is done! My mom FINALLY came through with the paperwork! Thats all it took! THATS IT, NOW HOW FUCKING HARD WAS THAT??!! Im going to be reimbursed for last semester, and Im getting a little more than the cost of classes this semester. So, Ill be able to pay off the loan I took out for last semester and maybe even some of the credit card I took out four years ago to pay for a semester.
Christmas shopping is done! Now, I just have to wrap everything. I even had some money left over!
This girl I hated at work got fired! She was a little better with customers on Sunday when I last worked with her, but she still sucked. One of my coworkers finally bitched about her talking on the phone all day while ignoring customers, and spending 45 minutes outside with her boyfriend while my coworker was inside helping a massive crowd.
I found that the back way to work is now faster. Im tired of sitting on fucking Davis Hwy for twenty minutes trying to go less than a mile.
Oh yeah! I forgot to add that I will not be working at the eastside(busy) store on Christmas eve! Ill be taking it easy most of the day on the westside, which means no crying after being yelled at by bitchy Christmas eve shoppers and no angry christmas eve lj post!
xmas eve is also suppose to be a full moon, so I am extremely happy about working on the westside away from the disgruntled crowd.
My anniversary-
-Today represents three years since I was hired at the Psychedelic Shack.
For my three year anniversary, Scott and Teri got me a big ass chocolate cake, three six packs of beer (one for each year Ive been here), and I get to buy lunch on the shop today. When Scott, Phil, and Travis brought the beer and cake in they sung some sort of happy anniversary song. It was funny.
They got me some badass beer! Guiness, Newcastle, and Blue Moon, that belgium-style beer that is so tasty!
I thought about some of the places I could get whatever food I want. I could order up some sushi or some shit and its on the house. But, I think Ill just settle on KFC or Firehouse.
Teri said that after the Christmas shit is over she will take me out for a drink as well.
Im looking forward to New years eve with the Urbans when we will party like its 1999.