Title: Jack’s Diary Part 2
forgiveninasong @ her ficjournal
absintherobetteRating: G
Spoilers: Probably slight spoilers for everything, really
Summary: Jack muses…again!
Authors Notes: I’m hoping to write 250 word fic for this prompt challenge at
redismycolour throughout January.
Out from the silent portal of the hours,
When frosts are come and all the hosts put on.
Their burnished gear to march across the night
And o'er a darkened earth in splendor shine,
Slowly above the world Orion wheels
His glittering square, while on the shadowy hill
And throbbing like a sea-light through the dusk,
Great Sirius rises in his flashing blue.
-- Bliss Carman
The Winter Scene - Part II
I love clear winter evenings. Especially now. Now that I’ve got people who I can rely on and trust. I spent so many years on my own, not knowing when the next person would come along whom I’d have to take advantage of, just to get by. Now I’m in somewhere safe, somewhere secure, with good people.
So often I’d spend nights in the gutter, on the pavement, just looking up at the crisp and cool winter night’s sky and wonder when it would ever end; when I’d ever be able to have somewhere to call home.
Now I can look up at the sky and see the beauty in it, and see the beauty of the people I’m with and love them; before there was nothing there but blackness and emptiness. I’ve found someone who I know I can trust, despite previous misgivings. And he’s someone who trusts in me, even though I’ve left before. That’s not something I did easily, and I hope that he understands that sometimes, you just have to square away with your past in order to move onto the future. And oh boy, don’t I have a lot of past.
Tonight, Ianto and I just sat out on one of the benches in the bay and had some coffee, and talked, staring up at the stars. Sounds sappy, I know, but sometimes you just have to do these things. To help make sure that your future is as secure as you can make it.