Title: Winter In Wales
forgiveninasong @ her ficjournal
absintherobetteRating: G
Spoilers: Series Two, and Lost Souls Radio Episode. Set after this point.
Summary: Ianto muses about Jack’s desire to go on holiday.
Authors Notes: I’m hoping to write 250 word fic for this prompt challenge at
redismycolour throughout January. These prompts seem to be demanding more towards the 300 words out of me.
Welsh Winter Holidays Holiday cottages? Why the heck is Jack looking at holiday cottages? Never in the whole time that I have worked here, had I ever thought that Jack was a holiday cottage sort of person. Mysterious flying police boxes, yes. Holiday cottages…not so much.
Still. It would be nice. But it’s not like we could ever get away from this place. The Rift doesn’t stop spewing out detritus and leftovers from other planets just because the good Captain decides to go on a sneaky getaway.
And it’s winter. In Wales! If we’re going to go anywhere in Winter, it’s not some cottage in Wales. Half the time, I think Jack forgets what part of the Planet Earth we live in. It won’t be the wintery, snowy scene that he envisages. You need to go to Switzerland for that, and no way am I going back there again. No, it will be damp, cloudy and depressing. And we’d more than likely get there and have to drive all the way back again because of some bleeping bit of tech or something. Besides, we couldn’t leave Gwen on her own. Not right now. It’s too soon to be doing something like that.
We need to stick together. I know why Jack wants to get away from here. To get away from everything horrible and disastrous that has taken away people who we loved. He wants to be close with someone. *Especially* after all the Switzerland stuff, I sense he doesn’t really want to let me out of his sight for a while. It’s good to know that, despite all of this, despite everything that has happened over the last few years, I’ve still got someone. And it’s good that Gwen has someone. We’ve all got each other.
Looking at it that way, maybe it’s not such a bad idea after all.