Stuck in the middle

Oct 10, 2007 16:53

I'm sitting in the middle of an empty chasm known as my social life.  It's weird for me not to have plans upon plans, but for the rest of this month, there's one party I'm supposed to attend, and as far as I can tell, that's it.  It's exceedingly odd.  I'm not sure if there are things I'm forgetting about, but I haven't written them down, and usually my memory is great with respect to fun things, it's only important stuff that slips though the cracks.

I know there's no theatre, until my tickets to Dirty Dancing at the end of November, I'm not currently planning a trip to NY (plotting, yes, planning, no), only one friend in this city has a birthday this month (hence the afformentioned party). I should be halfway into a halloween costume by now and I have no idea, not sure I'm going to bother (strange, I love halloween). Basically, I'm feeling very apathetic. Maybe I'll be a social recluse for a while. Maybe I'll win a couple of hundred dollars and get to go to NY for my birthday, maybe I'll find something interesting to do, but I doubt all of the above.  I'm not terrribly upset by this, I think my life has gotten to a dull phase. There are things I'm looking forward to, but they're a couple of months or more away, so it's too early to focus on them.  So I'll just spend some time revisiting videos I've downloaded, begging my bittorent to spit out the 30 Rock episodes it seems to hate, and read some books for a change, since there's not so many stories.

Now I'll go home and find a post office. 
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