Theatre that's not in New York

Sep 20, 2007 10:54

I followed a rumour that there were shows in other places, namely Toronto. So last ngiht I went to see the opening night of The Drowsy Chaperone, fresh on tour and starting here, where it originated.

They've recreated the set entirely, and Bob Martin and Georgia Engal, from the original Broadway production are both here, though Bob is only staying ( Read more... )

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myth_moondancer September 21 2007, 01:27:14 UTC
Lucky you, seeing Drowsy in Toronto! I'm more jealous of that than your recent hi-jinks in NYC ;) I'm taking a break from my sick-bed (well, actually my sofa with my blanky *strokes*) to ask - any chance of audio/or even - duh-duh-duh!! Video? from Drowsy Toronto with Bob?

I ask, not simply because my g/f is obsessed with Drowsy, but also because we kindof-sorta-promised Bob (when he was in London) that we would come over to see him open the Tour :(

And now that's not going to happen, because I'm too ill & we have no money (yet). Still hoping to do Broadway again later on, but there will be no Bobert :( I will trade most unfairly for any good audios of Toronto if you can get 'em. I'd even pay you if I had any The e-mail is the same as always, - where I'll link you to my trading list. Ta muchly, and glad you've been having so much fun recently! Don't feel guilty; pretend you're using up my allocation :P The voices in your head (and mine!) say so... ;)


in48frames September 21 2007, 17:09:35 UTC
If you have no luck here, I'll be recording on Saturday.


absinthelisa September 21 2007, 17:17:05 UTC
I bet your recorder works better than mine. We should talk.


in48frames September 21 2007, 17:21:31 UTC
The Olympus 300! I love it. And I don't trade much anymore, so I'll probably straight out post the audio once I track it.


absinthelisa September 21 2007, 17:43:11 UTC
Cool. Once I find internet, I'll be sure to download it. You know a good ISP in the area?


in48frames September 21 2007, 17:58:50 UTC
Well, Rogers or Bell. Have you just moved here?


absinthelisa September 21 2007, 18:01:40 UTC
No, We always had Rogers when I lived with my dad, then I moved to England for 5 years, and when I came back, I've always been living with someone who had their own preferences. I definitely won't be using bell, Sympatico modems don't get along with Vista, and they've decided not to do anything about that in the place I'm in now. So I may end up with Rogers, or I may try one of the lcoal companies.


myth_moondancer September 21 2007, 20:44:51 UTC
Ooh - the more Bobert audios, the better! I'd happily trade for your recording too (same e-mail as above) Olympus 300 is fabulous - that's one of my fave recorders :D The inbuilt mic is better than most other devices with an external mic ;)


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