No 'net

Sep 11, 2007 09:43

Hey, sorry I still haven't been able to post part 3 of Sight Unseen, but I still have no internet at home, am reluctant to post the part at work, for certain reasons, am have yet to be able to find a third option.  I'll manage eventually. Or I'll give up and hope IT isn't looking.  One of the two ( Read more... )

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tamoshan September 11 2007, 13:58:19 UTC
can IT be distracted? ;)


absinthelisa September 11 2007, 14:05:24 UTC
Hmm, if there were computer problems. But I don't know how to orchestrate that.


tamoshan September 11 2007, 14:13:35 UTC
could take some thought as crashing the whole system would defeat your purpose


absinthelisa September 11 2007, 14:24:10 UTC
See my problem!


tamoshan September 11 2007, 14:27:23 UTC
could you e-mail it to someone and have them post it? or are they watching e-mail too?

on a brighter're seeing julia friday :)


absinthelisa September 11 2007, 14:33:41 UTC
Everything's all good with the seeing Julia Friday! Yay. Can it be Friday now?


tamoshan September 11 2007, 14:47:20 UTC
you only have 3 days to go .. i have 3+ weeks
i know the wait is worth it for julia tho :)
take pics!


absinthelisa September 11 2007, 14:53:37 UTC
But you get to see them cry! Kendra's gonna cry for sure, don't know about Jules. Maybe. It'll be awesome. I wish I could have gone that weekend. I'll take my camera. Must charge that today.


tamoshan September 11 2007, 15:02:59 UTC
kendra almost cries during popular anyway
but i think they'll both cry that night
if they move the wedding, i have a 2nd ticket ;)


absinthelisa September 11 2007, 15:12:17 UTC
The wedding's on Saturday, if I win the lotto I could fly in Sunday morning. Cross your fingers for me! I'm so there. Guess I should buy a ticket. Clever you, buying two whne you had the chance, it's probably sold out already.


tamoshan September 11 2007, 15:18:44 UTC
on saturday? well then you have no excuse ;)
actually ticketmaster still has tickets


absinthelisa September 11 2007, 15:21:25 UTC
My excuse is I can't afford to fly. I could do it otherwise, since the Monday's a holiday here. If only I had an extra $450 hanging around. If I could have gone that weekend instead of this one, I could have stayed an extra day and seen more stuff. Or seen Wicked 3 times, either way.


tamoshan September 11 2007, 15:35:25 UTC
unfortunately i can't offer a plane ticket too
back to the lottery backup plan :)


absinthelisa September 11 2007, 15:40:13 UTC
Heh, I need to make friends with a millionaire! A generous one.


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