(no subject)

Nov 20, 2010 23:24

Title - Another World 4/?
Fandom - Supernatural characters in the DC Universe
Characters - Dean, Castiel, Sam
Rating/Spoilers - PG/All of SPN to date
Disclaimer - The characters belong the Eric Kripke. The settings to DC Comics.

A/N - Another short one . Mostly due to the fact that it's late at night and my brain is starting to sleep.

Castiel sighed down the phone. He knew Dean would be pissed that he'd kept this to himself. But after what had happened between them, he wasn't exactly in share mode with Dean.

Sam's voice was echoing through the phone. "Castiel? You still there?"

"Yeah, I'm here." He took a deep breath. "Last year, Alistair and Tess both left Metropolis for a while. About four months. I'm not sure exactly how long it was. But they went to some pretty remote places. But they gathered up a lot of stuff. Alistair commissioned a whole new warehouse complex just to store half of what he'd bought."

"You think he was looking for some of the Alphas?"

"I'm not ruling it out. But without knowing exactly what to look for I can't be sure. My guess is, though, that they just bought up whatever they could and are now in the process of seeing what is an Alpha piece and what isn't. Plus, I happen to know that Crowley and Alistair don't get on."

"How so?"

"Meg. Crowley's right hand. She was Alistair's for a time but then upped sticks and joined up with your guy. You know the rest after that."

Dean took the phone off speaker. "Look, I know you have every reason to say no, but we could really use your help on this. If these two are heading for some kind of villain war then we're going to be caught in the middle of it."

"So that was the only reason you called. You, the great and wonderful Dean Winchester, needed my help?"


"Go to hell."


"You heard me. I got my own issues."

"Like what?"

"Like I just found out I have a twin sister who is currently Tessa's pet experiment in a highly secure facility that I can't get into cos the outside shielding and the bullets of the many, many guards are kryptonite based."

"Okay. I get it. But I can't do this alone."

"What about Sam?"

"He's not ready yet. Besides, I can't be in two places at once. If Alistair is gathering Alphas then Crowley is going to become your problem soon enough anyway. Please, Castiel. You are my only hope right now. I need you."

He knew he should give in so easily to the man but the desperation in his voice made it impossible

"I'll see what I can do. But I can't promise anything, Dean."

"Thank you."

A/N 2 - Sorry for the shortness and suckiness of this. It's 11.24pm

another world, absi-wri-mo, fic

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