I can't believe I'm doing this again but I want to have something good to do so here I am.
Title - ?
Fandom - Merlin (BBC)
Characters - Arthur, Merlin
Rating/Spoilers - Fine/Spoilers for "The Eye of The Phoenix"
Disclaimer - This isn't mine. Never has been. Never will be. Woe.
"Merlin, have you seen the bracelet Morgana gave me?"
"About that......I threw it at one of the wyverns. Sorry."
"Why on earth would you do that?"
"Spur of the moment?" Merlin knew he couldn't tell Arthur the truth. As if he would believe it anyway.
"Oh well, I guess I'll just have to tell her I lost it or something. She'll kill me otherwise."
You don't know how right you are "You could........"
"What? Go on. Let me hear your next brilliant suggestion."
"I was going to say you could tell her, and your father, that you had to leave a tribute to the Fisher King in exchange for taking the trident. Or something like that."
Arthur stopped his horse and looked over at Merlin.
"That's actually not a bad idea, Merlin. how long did it take you to come up with that?"
Merlin just shook his head and rode on.
"You do surprise me sometimes, Merlin. Most of the time you're an utter idiot but you just have these moments....." Arthur stopped himself when they caught sight of Camelot.
"There was a moment, back at the Tower, where I thought I might never set eyes on this place again."
"Well, I know she'll be glad to have you back."
"Who will?"
"Camelot.......and Gwen"
"What are you talking about?"
"Sire, I'm with you practically all day. Did you think I wouldn't notice how you two look at each other?"
Arthur sighed. He should have known Merlin would have noticed, after all he was right. There was no-one who spent more time with Arthur than he did. In all of Camelot, no-one knew him better. Not even his own father.
"That can never be."
"For now, at least" Arthur looked questioningly at Merlin. "You should get going, sire. You don't want to keep the King waiting any longer than is needed."
As Arthur rode off, Merlin knew there would be more questions. But for now that could wait.
One down, 29 to go. EEP!