New story time.

May 16, 2008 21:24

Inspired by a prompt by   elven_sg1  from here:

I present this fic.

Title - None
Pairing - Jack/Ianto
Rating - NC17 just to be on the safe side. There is smut in this.
Disclaimer - Ain't mine. Wish they were as I could have so much fun with them. They belong to Russell.

Jack was bored. Again. It had been a slow day so he sent everyone home early for the weekend.

Right now he was passing the time by trying to throw paperclips into his empty coffee mug, which now sat on the opposite side of his desk.

He was bored because he was waiting.

Waiting for Ianto to come out of the bathroom. He had gone in for a shower and had locked the door, much to Jack’s annoyance.

"Still mad at me I see?" Ianto broke Jack’s train of thought and Jack looked up to see Ianto leaning against the doorframe, a dark blue bathrobe wrapped around his still drying body.

"Not mad - frustrated. Since when have you ever locked the door when it’s just you and me?"

"Sorry." He gave Jack a quick kiss. "I just wanted to be alone for a few minutes."

"Why? This is the longest time we’ve spent together in the last three days."

"I know." His hands slid up and undid the tie on the robe. "Which is why I did this."

He let the robe slip from his shoulders. The sight before him caused Jack to drop the paperclips.

Ianto was wearing nothing but a sporran!.

"Look what you did Jack. I’ll just pick those up shall I?"

Ianto knelt on the floor to scoop up the fallen clips.

As he turned around to get the last one, Jack noticed a slight alteration Ianto had made. He had cut the back panel from the sporran and from this angle, Jack had a perfect view of Ianto’s ever hardening cock.

"Ian.......Ianto?" Jack struggled to even speak his lover’s name.

Ianto placed the re-filled tub beside him on the floor and looked at Jack.


"Where.....erm......just.....hmm.........where did you get"


Jack just nodded.

"Didn’t you know, Jack? The welsh wear cilts too."

"They do?"

"Yes, Jack. We do. But it’s for you as well. Well it was for you anyway."

Jack looked puzzled so Ianto just continued.

"Out of curiosity, I looked into the archives about you one day and I read about your wife. She was a scot, wasn’t she?"

Jack nodded again. "Millie. Millie Barrowman her name was, before she married me anyway."

"But there was something else. The records say you were living as a scot at the time."

What Jack said next sent a shiver up Ianto’s spine. But it wasn’t the words that caused it.

"Her family wouldn’t have been to happy about her marrying a foreigner for some reason, so I pretended to be a scot."

His usual accent was gone, replaced with a flawless and deep Glaswegian accent.


Jack didn’t have time to finish his sentence before Ianto was in his lap, kissing the very air from his lungs.

The sounds of their moaning filled the room as Ianto slipped Jack’s t-shirt off and ran his hands up and down Jack’s naked back, which caused him to tear his mouth away as he keened into Ianto’s touch.

"Well sir, I don’t know about tossing the caber but there is something here that you could get your grip around." Ianto half joked as his hands finally settled on Jack’s shoulders.

Jack looked down to see the sporran still balanced over Ianto’s cock.

"I think you might be right there, laddie"

This time Jack felt Ianto’s shiver at his voice and he moved the rest of the leather out of the way to see his prize.

"How does tossing off the caber sound?"

Ianto could only moan as Jack still spoke with that voice as he began to stroke his cock, teasing him slowly at first before gradually getting faster and faster.

"Do you like this, Yan? Do you like it when I talk like this?"

"Yes. Oh god, Jack, yes" Ianto’s own welsh accent coming out stronger as he thrust himself into Jack’s hand.

"Do you want me to keep talking like this? Do you want me to whisper to you like this when I’m pounding you into the bed?" Both of them were struggling to keep themselves from coming, Ianto from the stimulation on his cock and in his ears and Jack from the slight of Ianto writhing, naked on his clothed lap.

"Jack, Jack, Jack. God, Jack" The words from Ianto’s mouth were music to his lover’s ears as he took mercy on the young welshman and let him have his release as he screamed Jack’s name before sliding onto the floor.

"My turn." Ianto looked at Jack, breathless and shaking as he undid Jack’s fly and pulled his neglected cock from his underwear.

The two men shared a final look before Ianto swallowed Jack whole, leading the captain to do some screaming of his own.

Jack tried to speak as Ianto swirled his tongue around the hot flesh, keeping one hand on Jack’s hip to tease the sensitive skin below his navel and to stop him thrusting too hard.


This was warning enough for him, as he pulled back slightly so that he could swallow every last drop Jack gave him.

Ianto let Jack’s spent cock slip from his lips and leaned against the table.

Jack looked from his chair at the sight of his lover.

The sporran was now resting on Ianto’s hip, his hair was messed up, his lips were swollen and he had his eyes shut and head back as he tried to regain his composure.

Jack Harkness had never seen a more beautiful sight in all of his life.

torchwood, jack/ianto, fic

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