Last Official fic for Absi-Wri-mo

Nov 30, 2009 22:13

*does happy dance*

Last one this month! Yay me. I didn't honestly think I'd be able to do it but I have so :D Though, in true me fashion, this isn't finished.

Title - Caught Out
Fandom - RPS
Characters - Taylor Lautner/Adam Lambert with camoes from Me and claire_kay
Rating - 12 for this part cos of a little bit of swearing.
Disclaimer - I own nothing of this except me. That is it.

As he rested in Adam’s arms, Taylor wondered how they’d managed to get this far.

Not the sex and actual being boyfriends part, but keeping it to themselves.

They’d been together for nearly eight months and there was nothing on them. He was happy not to have all the press attention on him. Most of it was still on Rob and Kristen. Poor guys, hounded for details wherever they go. It looked like the press attention had actually got worse since it was all made public.

Taylor reached for the remote and turned the tv on.

”Hey guys, I’m Guiliana Rancic. We have the exclusive interview with Alec Baldwin ahead of his final tv appearance, but first up, check this out. While we’ve all been buzzing about Robsten going public, it seems like a whole other hot romance has been going down with one of their castmates and someone you really wouldn’t expect.”

“Shit!” Taylor dropped the remote on the floor.

“Hmm. What’s up baby?”

“We’re on E! News!”

“What?!” Adam shot up and stared at the tv screen. The two of them were full screen, caught mid kiss, wrapped around each other. The story went on to say how the two of them hooked up at the awards show (wrong - it was before that) and how it had been a total secret from everyone (wrong again - all their friends and family knew and supported them)

Before either of them could speak, Taylor’s phone rang.

“It’s Peter.” He looked at Adam, who had just now realised his own phone was ringing.


”Hey, Taylor, it’s Peter.”

“Hey, man. I think I know what this is about.”

”You’re watching it then?”

“Yeah. Adam is too. He’s here with me now.”

Got it. Look how you handle this is up to you. But if the two of you need a place to lay low for a bit, Jennie and me would be happy to have you here.”

“Thanks, man. Let me talk to Adam and I’ll get back to you.”

“Sure thing, Taylor.”

Taylor put his phone down on the bed as Adam sat back down again.

“How’s Peter?”

“He’s good. He says we’re welcome to stay with him and Jennie if we want to hide for a bit.”

Adam laughed. He liked Peter a lot, had a lot of respect for the guy he jokingly called “Daddy Twilight”.

“How about you?”

“Kris. Letting us know that it’s all over the net already too.”

“So what do you want to do now?”

“Shouldn’t that be what are we going to do?” Adam put his hand over Taylor’s and intertwined their fingers. “Cos I’m not going anywhere without you, baby.”

Taylor smiled, leaning over to kiss him softly.

“I love you, you know that?”

Adam pulled his lover beside him. “I do. I love you too.”

Both of them sat as the report was shown again on the Daily 10. The only real option for them was to come clean. The pictures and ‘sources’ in the report left no room for doubt.

“Guess the first thing to do is decide what to say. Also how we’re getting out of here might be worth thinking about too.”

“Thought of that already - front door.”

“What do you mean?”

“You and me, hand in hand out that front door.”

Adam’s eyebrows shot up. “Seriously?”

“Why not? I saw what Rob and Kristen had to go through and I don’t want that. I want the whole world to know how much I love you.”

“There I was thinking you couldn’t get any better.”

Once they’d both got dressed and called their publicists for a meeting later in the day, both made their way towards the doors of the hotel. Not surprisingly, there was a large amount of press already waiting outside for them.

As soon as they were spotted, the flashes started and the chaos began.

The reporters and photographers were shouting their names, both men being half blinded by all the flashes.

“Hey, would it kill you guys to back a little? There’s people trying to walk here!” the pack stopped at the sight of two irate girls behind them with looks that meant they weren’t joking around.

“Thanks.” Adam and Taylor both turned to the girls as they got out of the scramble.

“No problem. I’m sick of these guys getting in my way all the time. They’ve made it twice as hard to walk round here now. Eejits.”

“No, really. Thanks.”

“It’s ok. Look, I’m Claire, this is Meg. Call us any time you need this lot dealing with again. Chances are this’ll happen to you guys a lot more now.”

“You know who we are?”

“Yeah, we own TV’s and don’t live under rocks. For what it’s worth, you guys are hot together.”

The two men laughed. “Thanks.”

“Any time. See you around, maybe?”

“Hang on a sec. You guys got phones?”

Both girls nodded and produced them, only for them to be snatched and the boys to put their numbers in then ask them to do the same with their own phones.

“Call us sometimes. It’s been nice to meet you guys.”

“Same here.” With quick hugs and promises to call, the girls walked back over to the pack

“Nice girls. Look like fun too.”

“They sure do.” Both of them realise they’re staring at the girls a bit longer than they should be considering their relationship’s just gone public.

They both looked at each other and smiled.

“Come on, we got damage control to do.”

Also - if anyone wants to make me/point me in the direction where I can get a Adam/Taylor icon, I'd be very, very happy :D

rps, adam lambert/taylor lautner, absi-wri-mo, fic

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