Apr 27, 2008 11:38
My turn to squee now. My brain is still mush because of a combination of lack of sleep and excess squee so if I get things in the wrong order then sorry
Day started off okay. Got there about 9.45 and the queue was already halfway down the street and round the corner. After a while of standing around, I spotted smirnoffmule (Ruth) and her very colourful sign (which caused me some hilarity as just about every car and bus that went past us was looking back trying to read it and I was sure there was going to be a crash). So I stood (with my mum who came with me) and just talked with all the people who turned up for our little meet up.
I should warn you now that I am rubbish with names and it was only really late on that I realised I had remembered my notepad so I have no-one details. I am officially an idiot of epic proportions
We eventually started moving after a while. Only to move from nearly being shoved into a wall (by the security people) to the corner of the Porchester Hall that goes into the Spa. That, however, was not the problem. The problem was that we had gone from being in a nice shady cool spot to being right in the path of the sun and nearly being burnt alive. It was so hot is was not fair.
Once we got in things got a bit better. Ended up in another queue - this time it was for all the photos and mechandise that was there.
I want the blowfish figure!
The line for James' photos never seemed to end. I wasn't in it though. Right now I'm not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing, considering some of the things I heard was happening back there. For those who I was talking to all I will say is this - did my mother tell you what happened to her?
While that was happening, The-Hottest-Thing-To-Come-Out-Of-Wales-In-The-History-Of-Ever (or as he is more commonly known - Gareth David-Lloyd) was doing his Q&A.
As much as I loved him before, I love him ever more now! He was so funny and just so dirty - the perfect thing for a room full of fangirls! I can't actually remember much of what he said because I was just to busy dying of squee due to the fact I was just so close to him. Also I was texting my friend Sarah who wasn't there (eejit that she is) and seding her pictures of Gareth through the day and making her so totally jealous of me (hahahahahahahaha)
But if anyone does have any videos at all - especially the dirty stuff (felching Captian Jack for instance) then I will adore you forever if you share them.
Next up was Eve. She made a lot of people happy when she said that she wanted John and Gareth to keep going at it when they were filming 'Adrift'. She is just so lovely in real life and that giggle of hers will stay with me for a long time.
During Eve's Q&A, the call came for pictures with Gareth. It was then that I wished I had an easier way to carry all my stuff! I got lucky because me and the person who I was with - I have forgotten you name and I am so sorry about that - were pretty quick into the line (I thought so anyway) and it didn't take long at all which was a good thing because as soon as we realised where the pictures were being taken, my heart was beating just that little bit faster.
When the time actually came for me to get my picture taken let me tell you - it was not difficult to keep smiling. Especially after Gareth saw me and said 'I like your waistcoat'. I ALMOST DIED!!!!! I was just so happy I was sure I was just going to pass out or just combust from sheer squee but luckily I got through it while also resisting the urge to tickle Gareth. As I was leaving I told him how my friend (Sarah) would just hate me right now for being there and he burst out laughing. He is just so..............I'm not sure there is actually a word to describe his sheer awesome-ness because it won't do it justice.
Next was Kai Owen. I officially love him now. He is just such a laugh. Love him, love him, love him. End of.
Then came possibly the filithiest man ever to have lived. James Marsters. He knows exactly how to make the fangirls love him (besides just being there). The second he challenged the audience to embarrass him with thier questions, I knew this was going to be good. The person who asked if he had ever had an erection when filming a scene - who is an utter legend, whoever you are - almost got him but not quite. I did like his idea of using Gareth as the kick-ass grandson of Steven Hawking in Supergirl.
Also, when he was asked if Captain John wanted to have his way with Ianto, I loved that Gareth was up for it as much as he was. Someone aslo asked what type of poodle he would prefer and we also found out he has no idea what a sat nav is.
Also it is now official - Captain John Hart is a slut. Possibly the biggest slut ever.
This lead to something, which if I had the guts to do, would have no doubt made me the most loved person that day.
This was because, if I had the courage, I would have asked how much it would have taken to get Gareth to go up on stage that very second and snog James.
Please don't hate me for not doing it - I could hardly speak when I was getting my pics signed. My composure had gone out the window, down the road and was halfway home by the time I was standing near enough to speak!
Nipped out for a bit of lunch - sushi and a Krispy Kreme - and came back to join the queue for James' signing. Luckily for me, he never mentioned anything which had gone on during the photo ops (which I will never speak of because I will end up in therapy till the day I die because of what was said.
With the writer's panel I didn't really pay much attention. I was also a bit annoyed at the fact that a large chunk of it was just them talking to each other and it was only in the last couple of minutes that they actually took questions.
After that, Eve and Kai came back on for another Q&A. Little thing - Kai Owen has an incredible voice! When he was singing 'Johanna' from 'Sweeney Todd' I didn't want him to stop. He was fabulous! But those two are just so much fun together. Whoever can find those pics of the two of them with the clown face paint would become one of my favourtie people because I would love to see that!
I love how they were just open to everyone and how they were really getting into it. Also making Eve blush when Kai got the audence to sing 'Do Wah Diddy' to her was a highlight for me. They are both just too lovely for words.
They also re-enacted the scene from 'Meat' when Rhys is in disbelief about aliens on Cardiff. So funny together.
Then came dirty-ness round 2 - James and Gareth's joint Q&A.
This is where Gareth gave the best quote EVER:
'A Captain sandwich with a Ianto filling. Toasted.'
I had to laugh when they realised there was a good amount of fic writers in the audience and how people were writing everything down.
The two of them are just like an old married couple. They were so flirty and comfortable around each other I don't think anyone would have minded if they had just stayed up on that stage all night just talking to each other about anything and nothing. Also - there was lots of touching and hugging which made me (and no doubt several others) very happy indeed.
Seriously though - there has to have been more gone on than we know about. The pair of them were flirting with each other so much during the day it would be hard to believe they are not totally in love (or lust) with each other.
Also when Gareth came down the stairs to talk to the actress that James had sort of ignored a bit in the Q&A by not answering her question - I was so close to him again it was unreal. That man should come with a publis health warning. He is just so hot (and huggable too)
But sadly they left and there was a bit of a break for people to eat and so the could clear away the stuff to get ready for the show. There was just enough time for me and my mum to go to Tesco's for food again and get changed in our hotel room before we had to get back.
When we did arrive back, I spotted people with pizza - very appropriate food choice considering - so had a bit of a chat with them.
Took some photos - well I took them, ending up with about half a dozen cameras at once and also faced with trying to keep them steady because Lauren kept making me laugh by pulling faces behind everyone.
Got into the hall again and was sitting chatting with Lauren for a while when we realised that things were running a bit late. The question as to why was answered by Steve, James' manager. He told us that James had fallen ill and wasn't able to do the show.
Major sadness there. So in pennance, people were offered a £20 refund but they had to leave right away.
They missed a lot of fun. A lot.
We had the total pleasure of watching a very pissed (his words) Kai Owen do a bit of stand-up bitching about James and taking the mick a little. He also did a bit of an Elvis number before he taught the crowd how to swear in Welsh. That man is just sheer awesome and is now one of the most loved people ever. He also decided that the audience should sing along with him so we did to 'Land of My Fathers'. i have never met a happier Welshman in my life. He is awesome and wonderful. End of.
It was around this time that those of us who were standing just at the far right hand side of the front row spotted Gareth hiding behind the curtain at the stage door. He finally popped out (no pun intended) when Kai asked if anyone had any drugs. That caused the decibel level of the hall to almost triple in a split second.
Kai took advantage of his fellow welshman (no - not in THAT way. Would have been fun though) and got him up on stage. This made us fangirls very happy. Especailly when Gareth said he had been sprawled on his bed when he got a call saying James wasn't going to be there.
Kai then did another number - with added beatbox from Gareth XD - before a random audience member was pulled up to sing with Steve. A comically bad version of 'Summer Nights' ensued. After about a minute and a half Gareth came back on and took the mic from Steve.
Then he sang it *squee&melt* with this girl, adding his own little twist to it by referencing his cock and anal sex. So funny and very sexy as well. Damn him.
Then girly went back to her seat and Gareth agreed to do another song. The one picked was 'Bam Bam', which I just love. Hearing him sing it live and all by his hot (not so) little self was so worth staying in itself. Add in the little dance that Steve did behind him made it just that little bit more perfect. The only thing that bugged me was that he kept pointing at the other side of the audience when he was singing.
I wanted some attention from the Hot One, damn it!
All in all I would have to say this day was just utter perfection and that James and Gareth must be secret boyfriends or something. I am sure of it and there shenanigans at The Rift did nothing at all to try and convince me otherwise.
But now I shall end this portion of the squee for 2 reasons:
1 - I have well over 400 photos from the day to sort through and pick the best ones to post and to make my friends so even more jealous of me than they already are XD
2 - My train gets into the station in just under an hour's time (much love to the person who developed wi-fi on trains) and I have the feeling that if I don't stop now then I'll never get off the internet in time to get off the train!
So TTFN and I shall hopefully return soon with Squee part 2 - with added piccies!!!
the rift,