Torchwood - 'Exit Wounds'

Apr 05, 2008 03:10

I'll put this under a cut for the sake of those who haven't seen the episode yet.


As finales go this one was pretty damn good. I did feel sorry for John being Gray's puppet boy though. That said, I did expect a bit more from Gray if I'm honest. There was something about the whole vengeful brother thing that seemed a bit predictable for me. I liked it but I didn't at the same time

There were a couple of bits that made me smile though - 'Eye Candy' was back. I love that line. Also when they were touching their heads after the Weevil signal I had a flashback of Spike with the behaviour chip. Mention of the space pig was fun too.

But they were just little things that took away from the main point of the episode - THEY KILLED TOSH!!!!!!!!!!

Right now I am not counting Owen in the body count because we never actually saw him die - it was one of those 'vanish into the bright light' moments.

Back to Tosh though - she is actually properly dead dead. This makes me sad. A lot. She was really growing on me this year. Then they go and kill her. Not good. Seriously not good. But as deaths go it was a good one. She got shot but still had the strength and determination to make sure that half wood-half person that was playing Gray didn't totally ruin everything. So yay her.

Her little video made me cry. It also made me shout at my TV because Jack was hugging Gwen more than Ianto. Wrong way around Jack.

To finish - because it is half three in the morning where I am and I have just realised this :D - a little bit about each of the central characters.

Jack - Poor you with you little (predictably) vengeful brother and the whole 'being buried alive for 2000-odd years only to be dug up and stuck in a freezer for a hundred years' thing. Go hug Ianto and I'm sure he will make you feel a bit better.

John - You are just made of awesome. Even when you are being used like a puppet you still are made of sheer awesome. From a cool, sarky kick-ass guy to a cool, kick-ass good guy. Win :D

Tosh - You are now dead. Had a cool death though - saving the world even though you were dying you go girl! - and the message for the team at the end just broke my heart.

Gwen - You had a cool speech but that could be just another way of trying to prove you have not just become a total heartless biatch. Other than that - mah.

Owen - I refuse to believe you are dead. We never actually saw anything so I'm saying you ain't actually dead dead like Tosh. Doing the Red Sea thing with the Weevils was cool though.

Gray - Don't like you. Too predictable for my liking (did I say that already). Nice idea but I would have liked to have seen more depth to you. Maybe if the story had been put in two episodes rather than being smushed into one it might have been better.

Ianto - Didn't see enough of you in this episode which didn't make me happy. I wanted more pretty sometimes in this episode (shallow I know but he's gorgeous so you can't really blame me too much). Tell Gwen to shove off and spend some alone time with Jack. You deserve it.

PC Andy - Not in it a lot :( but still funny. Little bit with Rhys - made me giggle.

Rhys - You are just so good it is untrue. Jack - Give him a job in Torchwood NOW! He is calm in a crisis and funny at the same time.

Right - Nearly 4am now so I will stop rambling, turn off the internet and go to bed.


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