Crossing Paths - Part 6

Mar 14, 2008 19:04

As promised, part 6 is here. This is all I have so far. I hope that I will be able to get the rest of it done within the next week so yay-eth me

It took nearly 2 hours for Tosh and Elliot to work out a way of transmitting the signal in a way that wouldn’t mean that the computers would have to be replaced.

To pass the time, John Paul and Craig were telling the story of how they ended up together.

“So your ex is now with your step-brother?”

John Paul nodded. “Pretty much. The night Craig and I got together, we walked into the pub to find Darren pinned to the bar by Spike who was snogging his face off.”

“It was quite a sight, I’ll tell you” Craig/Ianto laughed from his seat next to the blond.

“Why did you stop them then?”

“You said Spike was a good kisser and I wanted to know for myself.”

John Paul shrugged. “Fair enough. Darren wasn’t bad either”

That got Jack’s attention. “You kissed his step-brother?”

“It was the only way Spike and Craig would pay any attention to us.”

Jack chuckled. “Sounds like we missed a fun night Yan.”

“Hannah and Sarah would love you.”

“I’m sure they would, but I am a happily married man.”

“Don’t we know it.”

“Sod off, Owen. Just cos Tosh banned sex for a month doesn’t mean you can be mad at us for getting some.” Ianto/Craig smiled at Tosh, causing her to blush.

John Pau leaned toward Ianto/Craig “What did he do to make her do that?”

“I knocked out one of her computers. By accident.” He emphasised the last point and directed it at Tosh.

“I was backing up our main species database. His accident set me back a day’s work.”

“How long has he got left?”

“6 days”

“How do you know that, Harkness?”

“Tosh has asked for three days off for you and her in 6 days time.”

Owen looked at his girlfriend who smiled and nodded at him.

The doctor couldn’t stop himself from going over to where she was sitting and spinning her chair round.

“You know I love you Tosh?”

“Good thing for you that I love you too Owen”

The kiss that followed was ended by a slap on Owen’s hand, which was moving it’s way down Tosh’s body.

“Not till Friday”

Owen pretended to sulk for a second before smiling at Tosh and spinning her back round.

“So what about you two then?”

Jack looked at te man beside him.

“I think we can trust them Jack. They’ve gone through all this today and not really been phased by it. I filled John Paul in about Torchwood and I’m assuming that Craig woke up in the hub so you would have to explain that.”

“If you’re sure, cariad.”

“Ok then.”

Jack then proceeded to fill them in about the Doctor and Jack’s immortality (which both teens thought was cool but weird) and told them how he had been dropped off at Ianto’s house

“In it actually. The Tardis was right in the middle of my living room.”

“So where did you two get married?”

“That’s something I’d like to know as well” Gwen sat on the arm of the sofa beside John Paul.

“At the St David’s Hotel in Cardiff about a month before Gwen’s wedding. I wanted to surprise Ianto with something really romantic so I booked us into the most expensive suite in the hotel and spoiled him rotten.”

“That explains the two days off and the smile on your face when you came back” Gwen said almost to herself.

“I made the decision on the first night that I wanted to marry him. So when Ianto was sleeping, I went downstairs and made a few enquiries. The staff were more than helpful to me and I managed to get everything sorted in about a couple of hours.”

“Except the rings.”

Jack nodded. “Except those.” He saw the puzzled looks on the other’s faces. “Well, as Gwen already knows, Ianto doesn’t wear jewellery. So I didn’t want to risk getting a ring only to discover it was the wrong size. Also I didn’t know if he had any preferences when it came to the metal.”

Craig/Ianto held up his left hand. “Good choice though. White gold?”

“Platinum. Nothing but the best would do for my Ianto.”

“Nice.” John Paul said, almost in shock.

“Our ceremony was pretty minimal. We were lucky that they have a lot of weddings there so they can get one together quickly. An elderly couple offered to be our witnesses and the receptionist happened to have a local registrar on speed-dial. It turned out perfect. The look on your face though when I brought you down was priceless.”

“I thought I was going to pass out. I mean  it’s not everyday an amazing guy who you are head over heels in love with asks you to marry him, is it?”

“I guess not.”

“Everything went well....”

“.....Until my family found out I got married in secret.”

“That part I do know about” Gwen giggled. “Jack trying to reason with Ianto’s mother over the phone was the funniest thing I have seen in years.”

“You could have helped.”

“Nope. You were on your own that time. You marry Bethann Jones’ youngest son without telling her and you suffer the consequences.”

“Which were?”

“We have to have a second ceremony with ‘all the family’”

“And my mother is doing all the planning. We don’t get a say in a lot of things. Bit like last time then”

The beeping from Tosh’s computer got their attention.

“I think we might have something here.”

jack/ianto, john paul/craig, crossing paths, fic

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