Surprise - Part 2

Dec 10, 2007 18:48

Okay. I may or may not be an idiot. I psted the first part here but I can't remember if I posted the second part here.

Grab your hats and confetti....

John Paul woke to find the sunshine coming in through the window. He also found himself alone in his own bed. At the orders of their families, Craig and John Paul were not to see each other until later today.

As he looked at his alarm clock, a smile spread across his face.

“I’m getting married today”


“But why Mum, why did we have to spend last night alone? We have woken up together every day for the past two years. Why was last night any different?”

Frankie put a coffee mug into her son’s hands as he walked over to the kitchen table.

“Because the two of you are getting married and it’s tradition for the two of you to be apart the night before.”

“That only applies to the bride, Mum. In case you haven’t noticed there is no bride.”

“It’s still tradition, Craig. Look, the ceremony is in five hours. You’ll see him then” Frankie was trying to keep Craig as calm as she could.

Craig sat down at the table with his coffee, now joined by two slices of toast. He was about to start the second piece when it was stolen from the plate.

“Oi! Darren. That’s my toast!”

“Good morning to you as well Craig. Frankie, why couldn’t we have just left him at the McQueen’s last night?”

“Thank you! See Mum, Darren doesn’t understand either.”

“Look, it’s tradition for them to be separate. They’re getting married after all.”

Darren looked at Craig “Does that make him the bride then?”

Craig glared at him.

“What? It’s your family who are paying for most of this and everyone knows it’s the bride’s family who coughs up the cash at a wedding.”

Craig looked at him and started to laugh

“What’s so funny?”

“I get it now.”

“Get what?”

“All the little digs and questions. You want to know which one of us is on top when we sleep together. Why else would you ask which one is the bride or who is the really butch one? “

He got up from the table and made back for his room.

“If you must know, Darren, we take turns. I’m not bothered either way. I know I’m going to love it either way”

Craig walked back to his room with a grin on his face and a stunned mother and step-brother in his wake.


John Paul was sitting on his bed half dressed when there was a knock on his door.

“Hey. You alright there?”

John Paul looked up and smiled when he saw the man in his doorway.

“Spike. I wasn’t sure if you were going to come or not.”

“Hello? Did you or did you not ask me to be your Best Man?”

The two of them laughed as they gave each other a quick hug.

“I wasn’t sure if you would accept or not.......what with everything that happened between us”

“Don’t worry about it. We had fun together, we split and we moved on. Pretty simple and easy if you ask me. You’re more than happy with Craig and I am more than happy with Chris”

“Speaking of, how is he?”

“Great. He’s downstairs talking to Tina. In fact……” He brought up his left hand to show JP the silver ring on his finger.


“About a month ago actually, he asked me. Totally out of the blue. Ceremony’s in a few months. I was hoping you would return the favour actually.”

John Paul’s smile grew bigger “Course I will. Wouldn’t miss it for the world. We’ll be there.”

“Great. But right now, let’s make sure you get hitched first. Let’s start with that tie, shall we?” He said, looking over at the discarded tie on the bed.

“Yeah” He looked at his watch. “I have about a half hour before I have to leave so I guess I better get a move on. I still have to congratulate Chris, don’t I?”

“Yeah. I’ll leave you to it then, shall I? Don’t want anyone getting the wrong idea now do we?”

John Paul laughed and shook his head as Spike left the room to go back downstairs.

He picked up his tie and looked in the mirror and was down with his family with minutes to spare.


“Craig! Craig, where are you?”

“I’m in here, Mum.”

Frankie walked into her son’s room just as he was putting on his jacket. She stopped in the doorway and smiled. “My little boy…..”

Craig saw the look in her eyes and knew she was about to cry.

“Come on Mum, I can’t have you crying. What’s everyone going to think if you turn up with panda eyes, eh?”

“I’m sorry Craig. I just can’t believe this is happening today.”

“You should do. You and Myra have spent the last 6 months planning this whole thing” He ran his hands up and down his mother’s arms in an attempt to calm her. “Anyway, it’s supposed to be you stopping me from the waterworks, isn’t it? Now what did you want me for? That is why you were shouting on me?”

Frankie stopped sniffling and nodded. “Spike’s waiting at the door. I just wanted to check you were up here before I let him in.”

Craig pulled his arms around his mother and hugged her quickly. “I’d better go and see what he wants then”

Craig walked to the door of the flat with his mother and opened it to find the man in question on the other side.

“Spike. It’s been too long.” He shook the man’s hand and invited him in. “What brings you to see me then? Shouldn’t you be with John Paul?”

“Yeah, I should. I was sent here in a mission.”


“Two actually. One from your fiancé and one from mine”


“Yeah. Chris asked me about a month ago.”

“Congratulations. Now about this mission…..”

“Yep. I need your ring and the number of your planner. Chris saw the way everything’s set out and wanted to know who did it all.”

“You can tell him it was our mothers who did this. We had no say in the matter. So if you can put up with them then I’ll put in a good word for you”

“I might have to get back to you on that one. The ring?”

“Right” Craig pulled a small blue box out of his trouser pocket and handed it to Spike “Does Jake have John Paul‘s?”

“Yeah. I made sure I found him before you. McQueen orders”

“You don’t want to go messing with them”

“No.” Spike looked at his watch. “I guess we better head down and get you married then”

“That’s the best idea I’ve heard all day”

With that the two of them walked out of the flat and downstairs.


The weather couldn’t have been more perfect. The sun was shining with not a cloud in the sky.

They had chosen to walk up the aisle together. Passing Darren made Craig grin again and made John Paul laugh.

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of John Paul McQueen and Craig Dean. Before I proceed, I must ask if there is anyone here present who knows of any reason why these two people may not be joined today, I ask them to speak now or forever hold their piece.”

The two of them couldn’t have been happier for the silence that fell over them all.

“Do you have the rings?” John Paul took Craig’s ring from Spike as Jake gave Craig John Paul’s one.

“Good. John Paul, could you take Craig’s left hand, place the ring on his third finger and repeat after me. I, John Paul Anthony Sebastian McQueen…”

“I, John Paul Anthony Sebastian McQueen…”

“…take you, Craig James Aaron Dean…”

“…take you, Craig James Aaron Dean…”

“…to be my lawful wedded husband….”

“…to be my lawful wedded husband….”

“Before these witnesses I vow to love you and care for you as long as we both shall live.”

“Before these witnesses I vow to love you and care for you as long as we both shall live.”

“I take you, with all of your faults and strengths…”

“I take you, with all of your faults and strengths…”

“…as I offer myself to you with all of my faults and strengths.”

“…as I offer myself to you with all of my faults and strengths.”

“I will help you when you need help…”

“I will help you when you need help…” He let out a nervous laugh as he said those words.

“…and will turn to you when I need help.”

“…and will turn to you when I need help.”

“I choose you to be the person with whom to spend the rest of my life”

John Paul looked into Craig’s chocolate eyes, which were glistening with tears.

“I choose you to be the person with whom I spend the rest of my life.”

“Craig, if you could now take John Paul’s left hand, place the ring on his third finger and repeat after me. I, Craig James Aaron Dean…”

“I, Craig James Aaron Dean…”

“…take you, John Paul Anthony Sebastian McQueen…”

“…take you, John Paul Anthony Sebastian McQueen…”

“…to be my lawful wedded husband…”

“…to be my lawful wedded husband…”

“Before these witnesses I vow to love you and care for you as long as we both shall live.”

“Before these witnesses I vow to love you and care for you as long as we both shall live.”

“I take you, with all of your faults and strengths…”

“I take you, with all of your faults and strengths…”

“…as I offer myself to you with all of my faults and strengths.”

“…as I offer myself to you with all of my faults and strengths.”

“I will help you when you need help…”

“I will help you when you need help…”

“…and will turn to you when I need help.”

“…and will turn to you when I need help.”

“I choose you to be the person with whom to spend the rest of my life”

Craig was fighting back the tears as he looked deep into John Paul ocean blue eyes.

“I choose you to be the person with whom I spend the rest of my life”

They both said a silent ‘I love you’ as the rings were placed on their fingers.

“John Paul and Craig have confirmed their commitment to each other in front of you, their witnesses, by the reciting of vows and the giving and receiving or rings. By the power vested in me it give me great pleasure to announce that these two before me are now married in our eyes. You may now kiss.”

The two men had a small heartfelt kiss before Craig could be heard saying “Sod it” and putting his hand around the back of his husband’s neck and pulling him in for a deeper kiss. John Paul melted into Craig’s embrace and there were cheers and whistling from their guests.

“Save it for the honeymoon, will you?” Myra shouted at them from her seat.

The two of them broke apart reluctantly.

“Alright Mum, keep your hair on.” John Paul looked at the rest of their family and friends. “You think I would be able to kiss my husband for more than ten seconds but I guess not”

“Don’t worry, John Paul.” Craig turned John Paul’s head to face him. “We have the rest of our lives to kiss each other without your mother interrupting us.”

“I think I want to do a bit more than that, Craig”

“I’ll bet you do.”

The two of them made their way back down the aisle and back towards the pub, where their reception, the biggest party Hollyoaks had ever seen, was waiting for them.

This morning when he woke up, Craig Dean was alone. Now he would never have to worry about that ever again. He would forever wake up next to his best friend, his lover, his husband. His John Paul.

john paul/craig, fic

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