BwahgahWHA? *floor+jaw*

Apr 19, 2007 00:42

Apperantly, the victims of the vt shooting "like the majority of young men and women today, probably experimented with premarital sex, smoked pot, and drank alcohol-not exactly followers of Christ! So we shouldn’t judge him [Cho Seung-hui] too harshly."

People with this frame of mind make me fucking sick. If the incident wasn't enough of a tragedy, we have blowhards like this guy who decide to relieve the shooter ... or the mentors that didn't take the neccesary measures to make sure the kid got the right treatment, of all fault ... but instead it's the fault of the promiscuous, drugged out, drunken teachers and students. That somehow, because of how they lived, deserved to be shot up.
I'm surprised that vt students and family aren't blowing this guy up with angry comments...

And if that's not bad enough, 4 bombings killed 157 people instantly in baghdad ... almost five times the victim count of the vt shooting.
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