This curse could be worse. There aren't any zombies.
[A brief video clip is inserted here. Justin has switched clothes with
Tybalt, which means his usual nerdwear has been replaced by hotpants, a sexy bulletproof vest with a saint on it, and awesome boots. Justin's a bit smaller (especially in the muscle area) than the outfit's owner, but he has apparently decided that he doesn't mind the look too much. Yeah, Tybalt got the short end of the stick here. End video clip.]
I don't know who these belong to, but I'll take care of them. If you have my clothes, please try not to break my glasses; they're in the shirt pocket.
It's hard to read the monitor.
Richard's picture is in the Hall of the Missing. It shouldn't matter... he betrayed me, and we didn't talk.
It does, though.
I wonder where he is--where I'll be if I leave the City. I don't know if Richard believed in heaven or hell, but I don't. Do we just disappear if we leave? I was gone for a month or so, but I don't remember where I was. I don't think I was anywhere. Nonexistence. I'm afraid of not existing... I don't want to leave, not now that I have people who care. At least one person.
Maybe nonexistence is better, though. No thinking, no... none of this emptiness. Everything I thought I knew was wrong. I don't know what to do. There's no purpose.
Philosophy's dead. Richard's dead. I'm dead, even if I'm still functioning. I never noticed how cold I am...