Robberies - [
(7/29, 8/3, 8/6)
The pink sparkly substance found at the scene of the second seems similar to
this. This person could be the culprit or yet another robbery victim.
It seems likely that all robberies are connected; information-gathering appears to be the primary motive.
Is anyone here familiar with quantum theory? Do you think that the City abides by the same physical rules that typically govern the universe, or would it be futile to try and understand the City from a purely scientific perspective?
Yesterday's curse was interesting. Assuming this weekend follows the established pattern, tomorrow and the day after should be even more interesting.
[ooc: Connection to Dr. Horrible has been okay'd by Horrible-mun. And Captain Hammer is on the Police Filter, right? ...Also, anyone who happens to be with the police may feel free to remind Justin that he's a forensics monkey and not Nancy Drew. Unless no one minds if he plays detective, of course.]