Jul 19, 2008 07:28
93 Asicath..
A while back you posted a you tube link with a song called "Adore Adore" by "Yoav"
I am so addicted to that song. I found an MP3 on (a spot that shall remain nameless.)
That song is so set apart from any music I have on my list. And I have an interesting mix ..for example "The Wreck Of The Edmond Fitzgerald".to the "Lollopop" song by "Lil Wayne"...Marie Osmond "Meet me in Montana"..Three Days Grace
"Pain without love"...and Bee Gees(SNF Soundtrack.)
I just wanted to point this song out to others ..Love It..(smile)
Last night was my Birthday and I spent if down loading songs. I found more "Yoav" but I have to go through the songs. If you want the files
for any of his songs just let me know. (Big Smile)