VERY METAL, as usual.

Apr 25, 2005 21:08

Since Friday will be the last of my in-house internet access until the end of the summer, I'm going to use these final days to give my virtual fanclub of billions the gift of worms.
Um. Wait. No. Those are going to my ex-roomates. To YOU, I give the gift of knowing about this website. Fkn++ awesome! I rate it a fifteen!

SIDE NOTE: After being inebriated for 24 hours-- with nap breaks-- (edit: the other party being inebriated, that is-- not me) my VERY METAL roomate gave me a Satyricon shirt with the #1 most ridiculous black metal photo of all time on the back, rendered in charming and artistic posterized greyscale, because it was too small for him. It's so sweet. The 10" carpentry nails are totally the coolest. It all started at the "ninja rager" party, where my aversion to ninjas forced me to wear a crazy-short lace-up dress and corpse paint, and I also managed to get trapped in a bullet belt. So now you know.

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