Oct 07, 2010 17:17
I just can't abandon my LJ. I've tried a grown up blog, a different LJ, and I'm dissatisfied with all! So, here I am. This is my journal. I just spent most of the day reading all my past entries in between feeding, playing with, and loving on my Kate Monster. (Which was a little surreal, really. Reading about my past drama, then picking up my daughter for a kiss. Totally strange.) I haven't posted here at all in 2010. Really? Where did that whole year go? I have posted other places. I may migrate those posts over here, but I may not. From here on out, though, I'm going to stick around here for my journalling needs.
Katie is turning 1 in 19 days. Every time I look at the older pictures of her, and then at the walking and babbling toddler I have now, I am amazed. How did she change so much in just a year? How did that much time pass by so quickly? I know I'm feeling the same things every new mother does, but it's still astounding to feel it.
I'm working on buying a new truck for Bobby. I'm a little (a lot) nervous about it, because it's going to make a HUGE impact on our monthly budget, and I'm hoping to start school again in the Spring. I think if we can just get through 6 months or so, everything will be okay, though. Bobby's route has grown so much, and it's only picking up steam. He has an apartment complex and a grocery store in construction now, so I know it's only a matter of time before it seems like even 2 trucks are not enough.
I started taking medication for ADD a couple of weeks ago. So far, everyone I've told about it (both of them, lol) thought it was an idiotic idea. It seems to me that any time any one chooses to chemically alter their brain it is a highly personal decision and maybe deserves a little more understanding.. >.> It was a very difficult decision for me to reach, and my reasons are complex, but people seem to think it's some flight of fancy.