Jul 19, 2008 00:04
"Though their passion for national health care runs deep, it is important to remember that white people are most in favor of it when they are healthy. They love the idea of everyone have equal access to the resources that will keep them alive, that is until they have to wait in line for an MRI."
Electing Obama and my rant on that will come later, repeatedly and with increasing ferocity. He is worse than Bush, just on the exact opposite end of the scale. That doesnt make him a good candidate. That makes him a putz or worse a pansy pawn just like Bush. (remember, he got elected by people who just wanted anti-clinton) His step father worked for Mobil for fuck sakes. Obama even worked for a Catholic based "community organization". Yeah he's not another elitist tool at all.
So lets look at the two things that amuse me the most, and infuriate me the most at the same time.
- Social healthcare. I've been to countries that have social healthcare. Its not what you think it is. In a country of this magnitude social programs that are run by the government accomplish one thing: You pay more taxes for a lower quality of service. It doesnt matter what Race, Sex, Creed or marital status you hold. This shit isnt free. Understand that. Its not going to help the poor, the hospitals are still going to be in the rich white area's. Its not going to prevent lobbyists from getting fat, its going to make it WORSE. Why ? Because now you just removed any and all market forces.
The entire decision about what providers, medicines etc etc will be used is purely at the discretion of a government fat cat. They have no reason to keep costs down. They dont care about the speed of a process or a customer service issue. Fat chance of ever fixing the problem once it starts either. How long exactly have we been thinking about fixing ...
- Social security. Its broke, its an abomination. Its raping our country:
"By dollars paid, the U.S. Social Security program is the largest government program in the world and the single greatest expense in the federal budget, with 20.9% for social security and 20.4% for Medicare"
Let that sink in. 40% of the budget and it doesnt even cover a quarter of the people in the country. Every American reading this pays into this system to the tune of 15.30%. Half by you, half by your employer. Most people dont realize that this is a tax. Just like everything else we've let the government spool endlessly out of control. Social security has been known to be broken for 30 years. Every presidential candidate has addressed the issue at some point. It has accomplished nothing, why ? Its the government, the level of intertia is impossible to stop.
Fuck grandma, let that bitch get a damned job. We need to man up and ween our country of the tit before we collapse into a pile of our own shit.