Умный испанский священник и инквизиция

Feb 09, 2013 19:36

- А к началу 17 века борьба с ведьмами пошла на спад. И вот вам фишечка - вряд ли вы слышали, по какой причине эта охота прекратилась окончательно и бесповоротно. Как говаривал Задорнов, воздуха в грудь наберите... В 1647 году католический священник (извините, я не готовился, имя его просто не могу слету вспомнить) доказал, что бесов и ведьм не ( Read more... )

ведьмы, новости науки, фрики, теологическое

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glorfindeil February 9 2013, 15:20:22 UTC
Думается мне всё же, что подразумевается товарищ Алонсо де Салазар Фиас. Засветился на Наваррских процессах, куда был послан Мадридом в составе группы инквизиторов, и где благополучно развалил всё обвинение. In a report to the Inquisitor General, Salazar wrote:

"I have not found one single proof nor even the slightest indication from which to infer that one act of witchcraft has actually taken place…the testimony of accomplices alone without further support from external facts substantiated by persons who are not witches is insufficient to warrant even one arrest."

In a subsequent report to the Supreme Council in 1613, Salazar severely criticized the procedure of the tribunal during the witchcraft outbreak, not even disclaiming his own responsibility. The inquisitors had failed to keep proper records, writing only the resolution of each point, and thus suppressing inconsistencies; they had concealed the fact that the accused were permitted to retract confessions; those retractions which had occurred were sometimes omitted from the records, in the hope they would be withdrawn. The inquisitors had also tacitly accepted violence used against the accused by local authorities. The real question, Salazar said, was whether one should believe witchcraft occurred simply because of what accused witches claim. In his view, they were not to be believed, since they alleged impossible things such as flying through the air, attendance at the witches’ gathering at the same time that they were in bed, and self-transformation into different shapes. "These claims go beyond all human reason and many even pass the limits permitted the devil", he concluded. If the devil was involved, how could he allow his machinations to be exposed so easily by children of eight years and under?

In 1614, the Supreme Council issued instructions that adopted almost all of Salazar's suggestions, and even reproduced some of his clauses word for word. This included the emphasis on establishing whether witches’ gatherings had taken place; the requirement that witches’ entire statements be recorded with all the contradictions and consideration of motives, and if the accused had been exposed to violence or coercion; insistence on proof from outside witnesses and acceptance of revocation of statements; the stipulation that no person should be sentenced solely on the basis of witches’ denunciations; and insistence that public discussion of witchcraft should be forbidden.

After Salazar executed these instructions in Logroño, he was able to report to the Supreme Council in 1617 that a state of peace now existed in Navarre; the imposition of silence on the witch question had combated the craze.


absentis February 9 2013, 15:48:08 UTC
Ну, тоже вариант. Хотя тут у меня уже фантазии не хватит на происхождение 1647 года, если этот Алонсо умер еще в 1636-м.


absentis February 9 2013, 16:06:30 UTC
ps/ точнее в 1935 году, в возрасте 71 год, согласно испанским источникам, вики тут, видимо, тоже ошиблась. Но это педантичности для, на погоду не влияет.


yury_nesterenko February 9 2013, 22:35:59 UTC
Да-да, именно в 1935 ;)))
Дьявольское наваждение с этими датами, не иначе.


absentis February 10 2013, 04:03:17 UTC
Оно еще и заразно, оказывается:)) "синдром Буровского"™


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