so here's the last entry i'll make from austin, on my last full day in austin.
so this is new news to you davy, but i'm leaving the country, for an indeterminate time. after i graduated, i'd always thought about living abroad... but i'd always figured it'd be europe. as it happens, taiwan seems more natural a place for me to go after graduation. low cost of living and higher salary certainly makes sense, but it also gives me a chance to expunge some of the white, country boy nurtured in my from so many years out there.
things are shaky though. a big part of me wants to stay, for a couple of reasons. first and foremost, is that i've met someone who i care about more than i have cared about anyone in a long, long time. she makes me comfortable, she makes me care, and she thinks the world of me. if i'd met her two weeks earlier, i probably wouldn't have bought the plane ticket and looked for gainful employment in austin, but instead, i'm forcing myself to board a plane for the other side of the world.
it's not that i'm not grateful that i have the opportunity or the financial means to make such an outlandish trip... but c'mon. we all know the story. sometimes it feels like a comic tragedy. this is the card she got me:
and the inside, her note on the previous panel:
and yeah, my hands were shaking when i took the picture... how crazy is that.
so here it is, less than a week until i fly out, and i spend the night talking with her and telling her what she means to me, thinking before she came that it was going to be my last night, only to find out that today is my last day in austin, and tonight yadda yadda. it's a little heartbreaking. not at all genius.
i wish i had more to say, but that's all i care to write about at the moment. i plan on starting a new journal once i hit the streets of taipei, but this is it for austin.
thanks for reading all.