Oct 21, 2004 00:48
what the hell!?!? ten minutes later, i'm finally making some words onto this enormous blank canvas. ok, ok... so i actually have a great deal to write about, and no time to write it in, since i'm really stealing time away from studying for my philosophy of law test by virtue of my inability to take any philosophy class i take seriously. it's like clam dip... can you really stomach that stuff in earnest? not this cat. so here goes my first entry. davy, makin' you proud.
so anyway, i'm knockin' along in my text, feeling smug as a pug with myself (do pugs feel smug? i just realized that they probably don't... i swear they're the happiest and most oblivious dogs i've ever seen) for studying so well, when i start im'ing with my friend travis about the lack of quality bachelor food within our vicinity. so while we tally the serviceable establishments that we could dash off to before the astros game finishes, i realize i'm not getting nearly as much work done as i should be. i mention that the crown and anchor pub has food, and i'll be damned if bar food isn't the hallmark of bachelorhood, so we decide to head on down and grab a bite and watch the end of the game. so he and i pull up, walk up to the patio, and who's sitting at the first table but oscar, my creative writing professor. and let me tell you, he is blitzed, but he's being amicable and invites us to sit with him and his friend blanca, so we go inside to order before heading back out. i always figured he'd be a cool guy to hang out with, and tonight only confirmed the sneaking suspicion of mine that storytelling will get you in some silly and drunken binds. it was a barrel of fun hanging out with him though.
crap... more to come.