I joined Twitter today because Wichita's police PR guy, Gordon Bashamm, said the department wouldn't be giving any more interviews today, but they would:
a) e-mail a press release and
b) send Twitter updates.
So now I tweet.
You can find me here: www.twitter.com/kateclause
I'll also be updating about my blog there. I'm still kind of new to this Twitter thing, so if you know any more foodies out there, could you send them my way? I'd like to keep my tweets about food mostly, not my erratic personal habits or thoughts on kittens.
I guess you'll get sneak peeks at upcoming posts, like this one:
I left that on the Inter Webs Sunday evening. I think after Tiller got shot, we could all use some comfort food. A vigil supporting the family last night had over 400 people attend, though KFDI originally reported that "several thousand people" attended. Way to go, Josh Wells. ;-)
You can find some of the most recent AP material on the case in my previous post. Until then, I await more tweets from Gordon. Lu and I marveled over how quickly Twitter and Facebook allow news and news updates to travel. That's how word about the vigil spread mostly: online. The TV stations covered the protest after the fact, and there was a little pre-event coverage from The Eagle online and local radio stations. Mostly though, it was tweets and Facebook messages.
Of course, I think the person who shot Tiller was a homicidal lunatic, brought to a deranged peak by the propaganda from groups like Operation Rescue. Dr. Tiller didn't just run around all day, slicing up babies; he was a doctor and he took care of his patients. And in the middle of a boring Lutheran church service this idiot waltzes in and traumatizes everyone.
To me, abortion is a political and medical issue. If you think it should be outlawed, write your legislator instead of mowing down licensed MDs. That's a reasonable plan of action that I think even most pro-life people can get behind.