(no subject)

Mar 10, 2008 15:29

2:42 PM me: haha im out of blog puns
2:43 PM Aikta: hmm
  to blog or not to blog
2:44 PM me: blog blog blog
2:45 PM Aikta: i think therefore i blog
  i blog to differ is my favoite
2:50 PM me: Cat on a Hot Tin Blog?
2:51 PM Fried Green Toblogtoes
 Aikta: don't tell mom the bloggysitter's dead
 me: Blog Country for Old Blogs
2:52 PM Aikta: house of sand and blog
 me: ohhhh good one
 Aikta: bloggy night
2:53 PM me: Sex Blog Blog Bloggy
 Aikta: haha
  cinderella 2: bloggily ever after
2:54 PM me: god i can't stop laughing in class
 Aikta: deuce blogalo: male gigablog
 me: the blogs og madison county
2:55 PM The Terminator = The Blogibloger
 Aikta: haha
  the eternal blogshine of the blogless mind
 me: Harold and Kumar go to Blog Blogstle
2:56 PM Aikta: oooooh
  there's something about bloggy
 me: Casablognca
2:57 PM The Blogject of my Affectblog
 Aikta: ooooh i like it
2:58 PM blogrence of arblogia
 me: Terms of Enblogment
2:59 PM Aikta: juneblog
 me: Blog and Ted's Excellent Adblogture
3:00 PM Aikta: willy wonka and the blogcolate factory
 me: Blog Trouble in Little Chiblog
3:01 PM Aikta: Chiblogo
 me: Blog News Blogs
 Aikta: hahaha
  3 blogjas blog back
  rather, 3 blogjas kick blog
3:02 PM me: oh god oh god
3:03 PM Blogizen Blog
3:04 PM Aikta: the philablogia bloggy
3:05 PM me: It Bloggened One Blog
  While You Were Blogging
3:06 PM Manblogtan
 Aikta: bloggle all the way
 me: Sweeney Blog: The Demon Blogger of Blog Blog
3:07 PM Blogward Scissorblogs
3:08 PM Aikta: the mighty blogs
 me: BLOG2
 Aikta: look who's blogging too
3:09 PM me: The Blogfast Blog
 Aikta: blog kind of bloggerful
 me: Blogty in Blog
 Aikta: blog: blog in the blogty
 me: Blogteen Canblogz
3:10 PM The Little Merblog
 Aikta: blog momma's blog
3:11 PM me: Mebloga's Family Reunblog
 Aikta: siblogs of the blogs
3:13 PM me: Mary Blogpins
  Blog the Right Blog
 Aikta: how blogla got her blog blog
 me: hahahahaha
3:14 PM When Blogry Met Blogly
3:15 PM Aikta: white blogs can't blog
 me: Snow Blogs
 Aikta: oh man i hope you were doing snow dogs
  because that is awesome
 me: i totally was
3:16 PM Blogarella
3:17 PM Aikta: blogga enblogted
3:18 PM me: The Blogcess Bloagablogs
 Aikta: a blog to reblogber
3:19 PM me: hahaha, instead of the Notebook, The Blog
 Aikta: hahahaha
  i haven't seen that movie
 me: you blog to
  it's blog
 Aikta: so i blog
3:20 PM blogget jones's blogary
 me: blogoblog
  The Blog of Bloggocence
3:21 PM Aikta: blgs of new blog
3:22 PM me: 200blog: A Blog Bloggysee
3:24 PM Aikta: hahaha brb
 me: Driblog Miss Daiblog
  I'm going to go blog this.

3:27 PM Aikta: hahaha
  blog to terablogthia
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