If I were to watch a movie tonight, what should it be?

Mar 20, 2005 21:22

I have been dutifully reading Fast Food Nation for my paper that is due on Tuesday morning. The rest of my homework is finished all the way until Easter Break so it's easy to focus on this but even though it is interesting and a page turner..it is taking me waayyyy too long to read. It's not a huge book with tiny words or anything like that and I can't figure out why it's taking me so long to read. When a Left Behind book comes out, it's finished within a day. When I find a book to read for fun, I go through an amazing amount of pages in a small amount of time. This one is interesting even though it's not my choice to read, and today I got through a stunning 30 pages..I have 200 more to read and my goal was to start writing the paper by tomorrow. I already have a small idea of what I'm going to write about for the first question that needs to be answered but the paper is worth 60% of the overall grade of the class and so I want to be more sure of what I'm doing so I need to finish the book. Why is it taking me so long??? But I have a time to read so I'll just go back to that since Dan and Cassey ditched me..again. We talked a few days ago about my new schedule with sleeping and work and how I am going to work hard at things so the only time I have to really hang out with them is on the weekends. They said that was perfect because they are both free all day on the weekends so Saturdays and Sundays were decided to be hang out time for the three of us and Dan said that was when he could spend time with me like we used to and that he was looking forward to it. But they left yesterday came back for a few hours and I got to talk to him for about 5 minutes (but he says it counts cause he talked to others for a couple hours) and then they left and they haven't come back yet. However, when I was coming back from Caseys with Liz, they passed by in a truck and they saw me see them so I bet they will call soon now thinking that now that I have seen them, they should come back at hang out. *sigh* Hehe, I don't really care cause I had stuff to do but I should have expected it from them. I'll just start hanging out with different people. Dan K(different one) stopped by to play pool today but I wasn't ready to get up yet so I said no but I'll hang out with him more often and Liz D. and Liz R. have been stopping by more often so that will be cool too. I know I can't push away completely the feeling that I've lost two of my good friends but hey, it's my fault, I set them up. I went and saw Ring 2 last Friday and I asked Cassey to come along, and then of course she invited Dan. Now she only sees me when she wants to smoke or eat in the caf during the day...goodness, I'll just stop. I need to get back to Fast Food Nation anyway. I was hoping to play cards tonight to hopefully get a break from the book and to wake myself up so that later on in the night I can read more instead of getting tired. Rachel came back from her thing tonight and just passed out on the bed though, so I'm hoping she is planning on getting up later so that we can play. I worry about her sometimes. She doesn't seem in a very good mood most of the time and she looks depressed whenever people aren't around. I know the feeling, I wish I could be better support for her. She doesn't come to me to talk though, she talks to others and I don't want to push her. I've let her know I was here for her anytime she wanted and I will never take that back. She just has to want to. I suppose I will take off now.
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