It's nearly time for Round Three, so Gabrielle and I wanted to let everyone know of the changes we've implemented.
Probably the biggest pertains to categories: Due to low nomination volume, we've decided to eliminate the Angst and Dark distinctions and simply combine the categories. We will have an Overall Angst Fic category and an Overall Dark Fic category, then the standards (Drabble/Ficlet, Slash, Het, Gen) will be combined Angst/Dark. Two new categories (that will also be combined Angst/Dark) will be Best Crossover and Best Dub- or Non-Con Fic. (For more information, check out the
Categories post.)
We do realize that this cuts the number of available categories by a bit, but the mods have the option of cascading categories in the event that we get enough nominations of a certain pairing or type. (See
Rules for an explanation of cascading categories.)
Nominations for Round Three will open February 21, and the
Rules have been changed to reflect the new categories and the
list of ineligible fics has been updated, so make sure to check those out before you begin collecting nominations!
And as always, if you'd like to help in any way,
check out the Volunteer Post!