
Jan 12, 2009 22:18

why is paypal so easy to use??????? it doesnt help that i linked it to my credit card so i could pay for the Asylum Convention... but now????

its still linked and i accidently found myself on jason manns myspace page, and accidently bought his CD's and a t-shirt... WOOOOPS!!!!!!!

i am bad at this whole not spending money thing.... but i needed him and Jensen singing Crazy Love... i did. i needed it on CD!!!!!!  i now i know that this week or the next i'll accdently find mysel on Steve Carlson's website and accidently buy his new CD, so Jensen wrote a few songs with him on it...

I AM SO BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

still need to book the hotel room for the convention in May.... and whoooooo i just found out that Jason Manns is gonna do a gig there too... thats waht prompted me to get his CD and a t-shirt so i can be fangirly... hehehe

jason manns, asylum, steve carlson

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